FIVE "Every action has a consequence"

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Sussy looked through every book and paper she could find about humans to learn more about hers. She knew he was male, that was obvious, human anatomy wasn't all that different from demons. The same basics are there.

They eat pretty much everything, though they prefer cooked foods, and it looks like they need clothes.

Sussy found an old cage in her storage space, and placed a small dish with water and some heated up leftovers in it. There she found an old cloth from her cupboard. She cut some holes in it and dressed the lost soul in it. He looked confused at first, but after a few minutes he started to look relaxed.

While he was getting his rest Sussy searched for videos and step by step instructions on properly dealing with a lost soul. She found a good written blog by a demon who has housed over 30 lost souls.

Lost souls don't thrive well in Hell, so no matter what you do, sometimes they just don't make it. But it depends on the kind of lost soul you have. You can take your lost soul to Doctor Buer Raymond he will assess it as a level 1, 2, 3 or 4 soul.

Level 1. Full soul human

They can learn tricks and you can train them to behave.

Typical behaviour of a level 1 lost soul include excessive sleeping, crying, skating and occasional bouts of anger. Until a relationship is formed with you and your lost soul, they may be difficult to deal with. If you can enter their dreams to communicate with them I suggest trying that, (he posted a link to a How to Dreamwalk video tutorial.)

Luckily Sussy, as a half succubus can already naturally dream walk into dreams of humans. Walking through the dreams of a lost soul would be no different.

This level lost soul needs to have their soul extracted at the Crimson Bridge.

Level 2. No memories, soul to speak of, just a lump of flesh and nerve, runs on instinct.

These souls typically lounge around, they don't like to do much, they are very subservient and move slowly. They can sometimes start eating themselves if they get too bored. Keep them busy with a toy, or get 2 of them so it can have a friend to play with.

Level 3. A soul with no body, mostly transparent, but still able to interact with the world.

The typical behavior of a level 3 is spastic and quick. They have no body, so they can fly, which sometimes allows them to escape. Be sure to leave them inside if this is your fear. Be sure their house has a cage on it that they can't get through. A human soul can't travel through these rebind nettles as well as pass any salt lines. (He wrote a long list of different kinds of material that souls can't go through, and where to get them. As well as hand designed cages for your level 3 pet).

Level 4. The kind of souls you see floating in the river. No life, no personality.

These do not do much, they are best left alone in a jar, or glass of water. They glow in the dark, but typically only when accompanied by other souls. If you find one, feel free to throw it into the river, eventually they make their way to the Pitt, but they glow lovely until they get there.

As a demon, your skin may be used to the strange change in temperature, and you will definitely be used to the smells and sounds of our great cities. But a lost soul is a sensitive soul. They require more silence, or delicate music. Most lost souls prefer the sounds from the era of 1900's. Be sure to play plenty of 70's disco, 80's funk, or any polka music.

To make them feel more at home, get your lost soul their very own house. Even if you live in an apartment, buy a dollhouse for your lost soul to explore. They are relatively easy to find at a second hand store, or you could even make one yourself.

Be sure to feed your lost soul!

Remember, lost souls lack the ability to know when they are full, so they will eat anything that's in front of them. Restrict it's eating habits to 4 times a day, and maybe a treat if it's been good. They will eat literally anything you give them, but they prefer green and orange things. Green things can be hard to come by in certain regions, so we suggest finding anything orange to feed them. Nutrition is not important to lost souls, so you don't have to worry about that.

You're going to have to put in a lot of effort when it comes to taking care of them, but it's worth it.

The article ended with a photo of the demon author and a tiny lost soul sittin on his shoulder. She looked terrified and confused, but she was smiling.

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