『••✎••』ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1『••✎••』

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Opening their eyes the dolls saw where they were. They are surrounded by many yellow, grey, and white polystyrene that helps them land safely. They see many other toys like them but some are colorful. Grey, Orange, Red, Blue & Pink dolls with different shapes and sizes. Their name's are, the gray one is Babo, the orange is wage, the red is Luckybat, the blue is Uglydog and last but not least is Moxy. The pink one screaming joyfully

"YEEEES! YES! YES! Let's do it again!"

The pink doll loudly said. Still looking around is a certain doll, having lighter marks on its body. They caught sight of a gate-like entrance saying "Institute of Perfection". After having a better glimpse of it, they heard a voice singing harmoniously.

"There's a child for every doll! And a doll for every child~"

"Congratulations, Doll type number twelve! You have arrived at your designated quality control center."

The female robotic voice announced. All the dolls were happy, Looking joyful, excited & happy.  And the speaker continued talking.

"The final step to your journey to becoming the complete doll you were made to be. And once you successfully complete the institute's rigorous final test, you'll pass through this portal and begin the greatest experience a doll can know."

Showing a video of the dolls that completed the training. Presenting a child receiving their doll. The child hugged the toy fast and the doll enjoyed the affection that the child is giving. The doll with light marks felt happy when seeing a child happy. They want a child that will relate to and love them for how they will look. We can also see the same reaction from the Moxy.

"Perfect dolls will meet your child and they'll hug and hold you fast. "

"And you'll know true fulfillment that will never be surpassed."

"And they'll see their own reflection "

"Every time they glance your way."

"As you bask in their affection."

" That eternal pure connection."

" Thank the institute of perfection~"

"And it all begins....~"


Moxy added. Looking excited and content with what she believes. Then Uglydog said

"Moxy, you were right"

smiling. While the others looked eager and amazed. Then the platform opened making some dolls fall to the ground. Some face planting while others just losing balance but recovered quickly.  The dolls walked toward the individualization scanner. Another voice welcomes the dolls.

"Welcome to the institute of perfection!"

"Here, you will become the best doll you can be!"

"We will help you grow from pretty to perfect."

"But only after you successfully pass the final challenge called the gauntlet."

"Can you proceed to the big world?"

Showing the newcomers different holograms of different things associated with the institute of perfection. The dolls looked around excitedly but our unique doll looking quite nervous about the gauntlet. Now close to being individualized, The dolls looked excited and nervous. Now stepping into the individualizer. The unique doll is thinking about what will they look like.  I wonder what will happen after this? The doll thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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