Something weird happend 😳

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It was around 10:00 at night and me and my bestie, Olive, were watching My Hero Academia. Olive decided to touch the screen and make fun of Mineta (for obvious reasons). Suddenly we felt a strong force beneath us. We both look down and a giant hole sucked us in. Then when we woke up we were in the dorm living room, we both looked at each other and screamed in terror because we look like anime characters. Olive then passed out in terror. Eraserhead came running 🏃‍♀️ in to see what happened. We just stared. I was going to be the one talking because olive was on the floor. Eraser than grabbed both of us with his scarf 🧣. Wow... i didn't think this would happen today.... Or ever actually. Eraserhead than asked we where i came from and how we got here. "How would i know i just got here?" i said. He tightened the scarf and then thats when i noticed more and more people coming down stairs to check what was happening.

Bakugou: "What the hell i am trying to sleep!!"

Olive then started to wake up and was tariffed because she was practically being strangled.
"Who are you!!! i should ask" i said. "Are you working for the league of villains" he said without hesitation. Then he noticed that we had tears in our eyes and he put us down.

Kirishima: yeah i'm really confused 🫤

"Stay back... they could be about of the lov"

Me: "Boi do i look like a villain l?!?!?"

Olive: "Wait, League of villains?? We're in MHA?!?"

Me: "Yeah your right!"

Bakugou: Okay, what the actual [duck] is MHA?

We were talking about the situation we were in to clear our boredom.

Olive: We HAD our phones until they took them 🙄

Me: Oh i didn't realize we had our phones!

Olive: But what if that was our only communication with the real world

Me: How are we even going to get back to the real world

Olive: I have no idea

Me: What, go back the way we came?

Olive: How are we going to touch a TV-

Me: Idk

Olive: Wait i think they do have TV's here i just don't know how we are going to watch the same anime or even touch the TV at all

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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Bnha fanfic i made with my bsf (no toxic ships)Where stories live. Discover now