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In the morning a cute little angel sleeps peacefully the boy covered with his favorite fluffy blanket ...a few moments later the door slowly opens and miss Mrs kim came with little small in his face but his smile wide when he sees his angel sleep peacefully and looking ethereal

a few moments later the door slowly opens and miss Mrs kim came with little small in his face but his smile wide when he sees his angel sleep peacefully and looking ethereal

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Mrs kim sits beside and ruffles his hair softly ...she kisses his forehead

"My angel wakey wakey " she said in baby voice the figure whines in his sleep

" Mum two minutes pwease "the cute little also replies in baby voice

"No angel you are getting late bub "
" Pwease tae tae wanna sleep mower(more ) "

" Baby angel if you are not up then mum will not talk to you " said in a little struck tone because she knows her baby angel ..

After hearing that tae immediately got up and hugged his mum...he couldn't tolerate that...

he loved his mum more than anything

" Tae tae is up you're not angry with me "

" I will never be angry with you my little go and freshen up okay " said then went downstairs ..tae do his morning routine and come downstairs

"Today I make my Angel favorite breakfast a pancake 🥞 and strawberry shake "

"Yummmy bear loves it mum" tae kiss his mother and start to eat breakfast afterall his mum made his favorite breakfast admires his cute baby who eats breakfast with a cute pout.Sometimes is scared of his son's ethereal beauty and he knows how innocent his angel is to this cruel world ..

Mrs kim Snape out his thoughts tae voice

"Mum tae tae finished his breakfast"

" Okay angel I will drop you hurry up"

" No mum no need Chim said he will pick tae "

" Angel ,how many times have I said never go with anyone I am here for you"

" Tae doesn't want to burden you "tae low his head with sad expression

" Baby ..mum princess who said you are a burden to me angel never said that " couped his face and kissed his forehead

"But Chim is my friend"

"Still I am here " said

and took his office bag ....she is doing a job which fullfil his cute angel all wishes

" Mum should we pick Chim "

" Why not angel " she ruffled his's not like she doesn't like jimin in fact she considers Jimin also his son but she is mother and she scared this cruel world picks Jimin and she drops both of them...


Someone's scream was echoing all over the basement the man body covered with blood but the mafia was still not satisfied with his work

 Someone's scream was echoing all over the basement the man body  covered  with blood but the mafia was still not satisfied with his work

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"How dare you stare at my " moon of heart" ......don't you whose he belongs ... He is mine mine mother fucker " the mafia roar and every one present in basement scared as hell
They know their mafia boss turns into a beast because whenever something is related to their boss "moon of heart"

his reaction would be beastly the mafia can't tolerate even some One single glance

Noone have a dare to stop the mafia

" He is mine " moon of heart " only I have right on him ....."

He brutal cute the man all part of the body which spread in floor

At the corner there were his red hand namjoon stand whose himself scared as hell his only concern was how he could tolerate jk behavior....

he know the boy was innocent like angel and jk is devil a pure

He thought about what would happen if the boy did not accept jk

What will jk will ?

Did he let him go ??

And the answer was no jk never let that boy go

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