I Love you 💖

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Ohm went back to Kirdapan's Mansion furiously and when he see Lin was sitting at sofa reading some books he quickly approached her.

"Mrs. Lin I'm sorry to inform you.... that I am quitting this job" Ohm said with poker face.
"WHAT? Why Ohm did Nanon create any problem Son" Lin asked shocked while grabbing his shoulders.

"Nothing! I'm quitting this because I don't wanna do it... I'm done with all this sorry and please try to understand me" Ohm said with low tone. Without hearing any reply from Lin he quickly went inside his room and start packing his bags.


Nanon and his group was sitting at their music room being all gloomy

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Nanon and his group was sitting at their music room being all gloomy.
Toey's words are still spinning around his head. He can't able to figure out why did he say that. When they all were teaching them a lesson for messing with him.
"Because of you he rejected me....you are the reason he said he can't be my boyfriend" Toey said crying while shivering in fear to see Nanon's dangerous aura. He finally got his Karma now he will never try to act smart infront of anyone and Sam he also begged for his life....he apologized for his mistake.

Nanon was in deep thought then suddenly Top came and started to drag him outside the campus.

"What happened Phi why are you dragging me outside" Nanon asked confused.

"Listen to me carefully aunty Lin called me asking about if something happened in our college...and She also  told me that Ohm is quitting his job and leaving your house" Top said while shoving Nanon at his car and quickly got into driver seat.

"WHAT? He is leaving now" Nanon aksed shocked.
"Yes....Nanon you are the one who can stop him before it's got too late... don't let him leave you" Top said starting his car.

"I can't he is still mad at me....and also I don't have any right on him" Nanon said while bowing his head low.

"Nanon maybe this is your last chance.....like a told you before you misunderstood everything he didn't said yes to Toey instead he rejected him politely" Top said calmly while focusing on road. Soon they towards reached Kirdapan's Mansion.

"What do mean he rejected him....and how do you about this" Nanon aksed while looking at Top with wide eyes.

"Because a friend of mine were also present there he heard their whole conversation...and he was telling this to our friends circle" Top said while stopping his car infront of Kirdapan's Mansion.

"Even I am also mad at him Phi.... didn't you see how he was blaming me for his condition" Nanon said angrily while folding his hands over his chest.

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