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Wearing Gucci shirt with LV pants and also with Cartier necklace and Fred bracelet a guy holding a glass of whiskey picks up the call
"hello Tae ho"

"Sir I'm Choi calling from the mansion. Since chairman body condition getting worse he like to meet you sir"

Hearing the news Tae Ho rushed to the mansion which is big enough to call it as a place.

"Hey oldie your bunny is here. How you feeling?"

"I'm still strong as steel you little bunny. No matter what happens to me you have to remember that my body belongs to my beauty who is waiting for me and my soul belongs to my bunny" grandpa words made Tae Ho cry but he hold it in.

"As long as I'm here nothing going to happen to you oldie"

Tae Ho went to secretary Choi and asked him about grandpa body condition.

"According to the doctor he mostly would have a week and half that's he going to announce the next chairman candidate on next week meeting."

With a broken heart Tae Ho walked outside the mansion to cool himself where a chain snatcher stole Tae Ho's necklace. Suddenly a guy passed Tae Ho and kicked the chain snatched guy head. He brings back the necklace to Tae Ho while flipping his hair.

" next time be careful when walking on the sidewalk" as he talking Tae Ho notices the name tag that reading Han Kwon Il.

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