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"News highlights today; Miss Ginnifer Ladon, owner of Mrs. L and G fashion house was found dead in her hotel room last night, after a long time out of the spotlight we finally got a sight of her relishing the world with her new collection themed 'Children if the night'. The fashion show took place at Midviel as per her wishes where she passionately talked about her work. Miss Ginnifer was well known for her works of traditional meets Mordern expressing the love for both worlds. Her works was loved by many especially those who enjoy the unique creativity that came with the fusion of both times. As per current activities her cause of death unfortunately took place after a sudden fire in her hotel room not only taking her life but several of body guards. 23 in total. We shall keep you notified of the ongoings regarding her sudden passing. This is HMS station our condolences to the family."


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"The fight is real, every single soul under her is dead!! Her subordinates turned into ash!!" screams a worried mayor as Seth turns off the screen. "What do you mean?" "I went through the cells where we kept them after the incident none of them made it. All burnt by the release of their bond to her. What shall we do?" The man asks waiting patiently for an answer only to get heavy breaths in return. He was yet to believe it himself why would he assume the mighty Seth was okay. He was her father. The man never showed it to any of them especially her but he loved her, always cared deeply and now she has been taken from him. "I - I-I I don't know... what to do ... anymore." "I know you are sullen by her death. We need you strong leave the mourning to those us you can not show weakness, father." He urges knowing well what he needed to hear to snap himself back to his cold ruthless nature.

"Send word to as many vampires as possible we are fighting a shadow. NO DNA, NO REMORSE, NO marks, no blood nothing. They come, they attacked and we stay here sitting down like a bunch of sissys. She didn't deserve this. She was not at full strength we need to let her soul truly rest in peace by getting revenge." Mrs. Cain suggests hitting the table hard with her right fist standing up from her comfortable chair. "Am not sitting down doing nothing little sister, I cannot send word to every vampire without knowing who exactly we are dealing with. There are a million things I have to do and beating up a bunch of hunters is not number one." Reports Seth. "They left us nothing of Ginnifer's to bury, she was your second in command, she got hexed helping your cause by killing all those witches, she remained loyal to you even after you killed her nest." "I said I have something I need to do first." She could not believe her ears, after all this years her brother was still the same old cold broken man he has always been. All she could do was smile in pain angered by the revelation he just stated, "I see the safety of our people is not number one on your list. So what is your main agenda?" "Listen here Valaria Cain you are not my mom ..." "That's because you killed her and him. Sometimes I feel like he was the best compared to you." The statement riles him up turning his eyes deep red, monstrous teeth growing out, veins black. A look she has not seen for a while not ever since sixteen years ago during the massacre. She could only guess what she believed the comparison of him to Seth was something he never wants to hear even from family. He hated him to the extent he become a monster to rival anything he ever was.

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