chapter 1 re-written

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“Your eyes cast a spell that bewitches
The last time I needed twenty stitches
To sew up the gash
That you made with your lash
As we danced to the Masochism Tango
Bash in my brain
And make me scream with pain
Then kick me once again
And say we'll never part
I know too well
I'm underneath your spell
So, darling, if you smell
Something burning, it's my heart
'Scuse me!
Take your cigarette from its holder
And burn your initials in my shoulder
Fracture my spine
And swear that you're mine
As we dance to the Maso-chism Tango”

The lights dies out as everyone cheered.

We all left the stage, panting with sweat dripping down our foreheads

“Well done everyone!”

Axel said patting Oreos back, Oreo looked dead inside as they collapsed on the sofa, I sat next to them.

“You alright oreo?”

“just tired Shanti,”

Oreo said muffled by the sofa, Axel walked back in with a letter

“What you got there ax?”

I asked curious.

“Axolotl has something?”

Oreo said still being muffled by the sofa

“A letter asking us to participate in a band experiment, says here that'll we'll be put in a room with a random person from a band.”

Axel explained, Oreo looked up.

“So will we know who we're going to be put with or is it anonymous?”

Oreo asked interested.


Axel responded.

“Says here two of us will have to be put in a room with one person from the other band since one of them backed out.”

Axel said shrugging.

“Okay me and Shanti will be together.”

Oreo said patting my head, or well attempted to anyway.

“Alright, get packed we're starting on Friday.”

Axel said placing the letter down.

Me and Oreo looked at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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