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It was the end of the world. She won the final battle, and claimed powers unchecked that she used to turn the entire earth into a Hellish wasteland. We tried to resist, and formed a resistance against her, but they fell dead one by one. I was only eight when it happened. My parents were married, but the curse separated us from our family. I don't know how, but I ended up back in Storybrooke even if I black out for a second, but it felt like the dark curse didn't touch me, and I felt out of place. We tried hard to make our mom Emma Swan wake up, believe, and remember that this is the final battle. Unfortunately Fiona the black fairy or as I like to call her the wimpy sissy pixie took the book from us, and tried to make mom burn the storybook. I realized why she wanted her to destroy the book. When mom loses her belief the realms are destroyed. When we try to get the book back Fiona knew what we tried to do, and had a idea to make mom destroy the book by throwing us to the floor with a sleight of stairs, but before I hit the ground that thing when I black out happen again, and I was seeing these strange places breaking through what feels like a wall. What are these places? Are they realms? When I came back to Storybrooke it looked a bit different.

"Is this Storybrooke?"

I realize that I was gone for a few hours, and the final battle was over, and the Black Fairy won. Now to speed up to the present day by eight years. Henry is an adult, and I'm a teenager. We were fleeing after the resistance failed, and she was hot on our trail.

"We can't stop her." I told him while being exhausted.

"We can't give up Hope. We have to keep fighting."

"What choice do we have?"

Before he could respond he was grabbed from behind, and I saw who it was. It was the Black Fairy herself.

"I think I know a good choice."

She ripped out Henry's heart with her right hand, and began to crush it.

"The choice is to die."

She crushed his heart into dust killing Henry who dropped instantly. I began to breathe in fear. The entire world is dead, and I look at her with tears.

"You murderer!!"

She then lift me up in the air restraining me.

"Don't even try. I'll make sure you'll join them in the afterlife."

Before she could grab my heart I let out a scream as a mysterious vortex appeared in the form of a broken window like a crack in reality behind me.

"What the Hell is that?"

Before I could react the vortex began to pull me in, and she try to keep me  with her powers, but it completely pulled me in as the vortex closed completely.

"Where did she go? WHERE IS SHE!?"

The vortex opens as it launches me out, and I hit the ground coughing up dust as it closes again.

"Where am I?"

I began to walk on this strange place till I saw a strange ship in the sky thinking that I might get help that I ran as fast as I could till I saw strange creatures coming out of the ship. As I got closer, and hid behind a rock seeing a man with a broken shield, and a hammer of a Norse God.

"Wait. Captain America?"

What kind of realm am I in? Before I could react I saw portals open up behind him seeing more heroes, and ships appearing then heard some unforgettable words.


Then they began to fight the strange creatures. If I could get out of the battlefield in one piece that is. I could do only one thing, and that's to run. As I ran I tried to avoid attacks coming from both sides of the battlefield even the creatures from the monster side.

"Friday did you detect something?"

"There's a civilian detected on the battlefield."

I was spotted as an explosion made me duck, and screamed. I got back up and began to run again.

"Someone get that kid out of here!!"

"I'm on it."

I continued to run as the sky began to reign fire and I duck under a huge rock screaming till it stopped, and I crawled out of my hiding spot. As a person in armor appeared in front of me.

"You alright?"


"It's dangerous here. I'll get you to the city."

I only nodded as I was grabbed, and flew to the city realizing that this is New York, and left on the sidewalk as the armored person left to most likely return to fight those monsters. Seeing the Internet cafe I crossed the street to enter, and used one of the computers available.


I searched, and no results.

"Emma Swan."

Again no results.

"Henry Mills"

Third time no results. I was close to losing my temper till I remember seeing those strange worlds earlier.

"Other worlds."

When I type that it came up with planets in the Solar System till I read alternate earths. I clicked on the word, and began to read.

"Alternate Earths are described as alternate universes across what is known as the multiverse."

My eyes just stared seeing the word multiverse that it felt like my world just stopped. I wasn't traveling through other realms, I was traveling through other universes. After closing the stuff, and leaving I check for any cash, but not sure if my money works in this dimension. As I walked I spotted some new clothes I needed, even a backpack, and an empty journal with a pencil that I bought with what cash I have, and changed into them. After buying a hotdog I sat on a bench at Central Park, and began to write a designated earth for this universe as Earth-528, and my universe as Earth-11 when I began to shed tears that I caused a portal vortex to break reality as it pulled me, my backpack, journal, clothes, and hotdog in closing itself taking me who knows where.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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