You Make Me Smile (glee Fanfic)

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Santana rolled her eyes at the stupidity pouring out of her professor's mouth.

"So, what I want you guys to work on this week is," the, frankly, idiot of a professor paused for dramatic effect, smiling wickedly at her students, "I want you to go through your everyday routines, and then I want you to write a paper answering the question; what are ten things in your life right now that make you smile?"

Miss Kris then dismissed them with a wave of her hand.

Santana sighed, getting up, and thanking every known deity out there that it was her last class before the weekend.

Walking up to her dorm, she thought over the question her sociology professor had asked. What are ten things in her life right now that made her smile?

She opened her dorm's door and smiled a little too big at the sight that greeted her. Her girlfriend was in the middle of the tiny dorm room, spinning around and laughing, her short white dress twirling around her with music blasting from the corner.

Santana stood frozen at the doorway -after closing the door- and simply stared at the beauty in front of her.

Brittany. That's the first thing she was going to write in her report. Brittany never failed to bring a smile to her face, whether she was trying to or not. With her kisses, her giggles, her cute ramblings, her pout, her body, her smirk, her eyes -those beautiful, gorgeous, stunning eyes-, her little dance that she does when she's cooking... she always makes her smile. Always.

"Santana!" Brittany exclaimed, then reached for her girlfriend and pulled her over, "Dance with me!"

Santana bit her lip and wondered how it was possible for her to fall even more in love with the gorgeous dancer in front of her.

"You're not actually dancing, Britt," she quipped, still smiling.

Brittany shrugged, then twirled Santana around, making her laugh, "So? It's fun!"

Santana danced around with Brittany for a few minutes, but then she just had to back away a little to watch her do her thing. She looked like an angel. And Santana could feel her heart expanding to make room for the love that wouldn't stop increasing for Brittany. She had a hard time breathing properly.

Brittany stopped suddenly, biting her lip, "What?" she asked, looking down to hide her blush.

Santana shook her head, "I love you so much."

Biting the inside of her cheek, Brittany took Santana's hand and pulled her a little until they stood close, their breaths mingling together, "I love you too," she whispered before covering Santana's lips with her own.

Brittany's love. That's the first thing I want to mention. I don't know what I did to deserve it, to deserve such a good, kind, beautiful angel's love, but I'm not going to spend my entire life wondering, I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts (Brittany says it won't ever end).

Santana grumbled, pressing her face down on the pillow trying to hide from the bright light peering in from the window.

A giggle reached her, "Wake up, sleepy head,"

She just grumbled some more. Then she let out an embarrassingly loud moan when she felt lips brush against her lower back -her naked lower back-. The lips moved higher, kissing just under her shoulder blades, then her right shoulder, followed by her left, finally attaching her lips to smooth, tanned neck.

Santana whimpered, "God, Britt..."

Brittany simply smirked, and then easily flipped Santana over, straddling her hips. She tilted her head, biting her lip, "You look so hot when you've just got up..."

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