Full Moon (Koga x Reader)

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Notes: Story written December 2012 by me on my deviantART



The wind blew by causing leaves to rustle making a peaceful noise. You looked up at a full moon and grew weary from a day of traveling. Twitching your leg slightly you yawned and decided to make a bed of leaves right where you were standing. It was a simple task since Autumn had just begun and the leaves were falling from above. Your stomach growled, but you ignored it knowing that you were to tired to search for anything. Morning should come quickly and then you could find a river or some fruit.

Once you had laid your head down and shut your eyes you could hear the howling of a wolf. It sounded close but you paid no mind to it hoping that it would go somewhere away from you. Then a sudden rush of wind caused some of the leaves to cover your face and you sat up in annoyance. It was then you saw him. The most handsome man you had ever seen dressed in fur. His blue eyes seemed to bear into yours as he just noticed you sitting on the ground.

"Sorry about that," he noticed the leaves covering you.

"It's fine. I just wasn't expecting that," you pouted. He was cute to you, yet you knew better. Cute demon guys like that always have a mate. It was then that he bent down to where you are and smelled your scent.

"I smell dragon and cat on you," he said. You nodded not surprised he could figure out what kind of demon you were. "Pretty too. I met a girl before who was as beautiful as you but I haven't seen her in a few years."

"Is that so?" you smiled then turned away to hide any blush that may have appeared.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"[Name]," you replied. A breeze came by again and his black hair in its pony tail slightly swayed. "You?"

"Koga, leader of the wolf demon tribe," he answered proudly. You nodded again. "Would you like to tell me what a pretty girl like you is doing out here all by herself?"

"I was going to bed," you said matter-of-factly. Koga crossed his arms. His blue eyes bore into your [eye colour] ones.

"Know what. I'll just leave you alone if that's what you want," he stood back up getting ready to leave.

"No wait. I'm sorry, I'm just tired. You can stay if you want," you begged. You didn't mean to come out all needy but what were the odds of you meeting him again?

He looked back at you and sighed. Turning around he sat across from you when your stomach once again growled.

"Someone sounds hungry," he joked. Blush formed on your face and you covered it with your hands.

"I know, I was going to wait to eat in the morning," you mumbled.

"It's fine. I can help you get something to eat," he offered.

"In the morning?" You uncovered your face.

"Sure, in the morning," he looked up at the moon you were staring at earlier. Another howl rose through the night and another breeze made you shiver. Koga noticed and scooted over to you placing an arm around your shoulders.

"Wh...what are you doing?" you stuttered.

"Keeping you warm," he smiled. Your face felt so hot. He was so close. His scent smelled good for a wolf.

"Oh... thanks," you looked up at the sky. "Can I go to sleep now?" you yawned.

"Who's stopping you. I'll be here to keep you warm," he kissed your forehead.

"What was that for?"

"What? I can't kiss a beautiful girl good night?" he asked.

"Umm.. I just..." your words were stopped when his lips met yours. There seemed to be no hesitation in his kiss. You soon kissed back and put your hands around his neck to deepen it. This is what love felt like?

The howling continued in the distance as you lay down with Koga and fell asleep in his strong arms.

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