Walnut God

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There was once a time where the Earth was bare of ANY walnuts. The fruit of our life, the bringer of PEACE and TRANQUILITY! But then, from the rising light of dawn, arose a powerful deity. One who would cure the hunger pains of any Cumit, one who would bring the nutrition to our world, bringing our treasured love to rain down from the heavens like mana! And his name... was The Walnut God! And he spread the beautiful light of sapling through the dirt, drinking the nectar of life from streams, allowing itself to grow for years on end. For as soon as the tree has grown, The Walnut God's mission was complete. His purpose to grant peace was done. Legend has it, that his mighty form would return when ALL Walnuts are wiped off the face of our planet. Even if we prey for him, we dare not destroy our precious godly food. And THAT is the story... of the Walnut God... END!

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