Queen between the Worlds

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Queen between the Worlds

Being born, growing up and dying, only to be born again. It's a circle everyone knows but nobody knows more about it than the elves. Why? You might ask. "That's because they are the guards of the World Tree," is the obvious answer for most people. But what when this fact is only a little part of the full answer? What do you think is the real reason for their knowledge? Maybe it's experience or studying. I will tell you then it's none of it and booth. You don't understand what I mean with that. Then I should try to explain it to you in a bit more detail.

You know that the elves are born from fruits of the World Tree, correct? And you also know that the World Tree is the centre of knowledge in between the worlds. By being born from the fruits they are granted knowledge and protection from the Tree. Since the World Tree holds the knowledge between all worlds, naturally the elves know more about death, life and all other aspects of existence than any other volk. You see, as long as the other races want to know more about existence, as long they will search for this knowledge. In the end the people will gain the knowledge through studying the subjects intensively. Everything that is known to anyone is known to the World Tree and since the elves are connected to it, they will also know. With this the aspect of studying can be explained.

The thing about experience is, it is self speaking but at the same time it's not. Yes, sometimes their bodys die and their souls will be reborn in a new body since their souls return to the World Tree but that is not the kind of experience I mean. The kind I mean is not as easily explained. All of this is connected to a key figure in elven history.

Her name was and is Noctura Darkness Lumiel. She was born as the Daughter of the Night and the prince of the Star Elves. The name of the Star Elf was Lumion Oirionion and the Goddess of night is named Nyx. Both were young and in no way meant for each other, so the only evidence of their passionate meeting was the little princess. She was good natured, friendly and always searching for peace.

Born of elven blood and the golden blood of the gods she was more than an elf but less than a god. Fortunately she was well loved by her godly family. Under their protection she grew up yearning for nothing but one thing, a meeting with the elven prince, her father. Till the ninth cycle of her life she wasn't granted her wish. Why wait so long, you want to know. Because she only looked like three cycles old even though she had lived for nine already. Her mother noticed early how slow Noctura grew and asked her own parents Chaos and Order for advice.

"My dear daughter don't worry," was what Order told her. "She is growing so slowly, because she was born with the body of an elf and the powers of a goddess," Chaos added and laid his arms around Nyx. Now at ease, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to be surrounded by the warmth of her fathers aura. "Is it wise to let her be in contact with the elves when she is so different from them?" Nyx asked. "Does it need to be wise when it is the only thing she yearns for?" Order asked her daughter in return.

Having found her answers Nyx takes her daughter over the rainbow bridge between the worlds to the realm of the Star Elves. Arriving there they are stopped by the guards. "Hold on, who are you? Identify yourself and state your business!" one of the guards shouts. Their reaction is understandable since they are confronted with a hooded person carrying a little hooded something on the arm. Their cloaks are made of pure darkness but the little one's resembles the night sky more than the darkness. The bigger being sets down the small one and both of them pull back the hood.

Shyly, the elfling hides behind her mother and looks with big eyes at the guards. "We are here so I can meet my father," she tells them in a quiet, shy voice. "I am Nyx and this is my daughter Noctura Darkness Lumiel," Nyx states. Only now realising that a goddess is standing right in front of their gates they make attempts to bow to them. Those attempts are stopped by Nyx simply wanting to be let in. So she holds up her hand to signal them they don't need to bow. One of the guards guides them to the castle in the World Tree.

Noctura is stunned by the beauty of the elven realm. Yes, she knows the beauty of the godly realm but the two are different kinds of beauty. The realm of the gods has a holy beauty which holds power. The elven realm on the other hand has a beauty that is as holy as the beauty of the gods but their beauty holds peace and nature instead.

Standing in the throne room of the castle they are granted an audience with the king Orion Audelion. The king calls the prince and they meet for the first time. The daughter the father and the father the daughter. A father who doesn't know how to handle having a daughter and a daughter only wanting to know the person she calls her father.

Their relationship needed time to grow and they had time. The princess grew to be loved by her people as a goddess and future queen. Orion has decided to follow the wish of his son to make Noctura his heir. Lumion did not wish to sit on the throne since he loved being in nature and listening to the voice of the trees. Noctura felt the same but still accepted her position out of love for her people.

Even though the elves live between worlds they aren't spared from war. Not amongst themselves but being sent to help the side the World Tree has seen to be the one fighting for the right cause. So the King had to go to war with his soldiers and among them Noctura, now being 144 cycles old but only looking like 12 cycles. When the elven army returns they do so without their king. The King fell in the faraway lands.

The journey back took longer for the princess, because she was sent into a different war. This war was one between the gods and their offsprings. Having had a vision that it is time for change, Noctura aids the godlings. Godlings are the offsprings of the Titans.The Titans reigned over the godly realm after the generation known as the giants. The giants is the generation Nyx was born in. So theoretically Noctura is not half goddess but half titan since she was born as the daughter of a giant. But since Giants, Titans and Gods or Godlings are only a name given to a generation of the gods this is only a small detail which isn't so important for the bigger picture.

The war took a hundred years only to start anew after a few decades. The second war also took around a hundred years. Noctura is now 400 cycles old and looks like 20 cycles. After the war she was honoured as a warrior that fought in all their wars in the history of the godly realm.

She is offered the right of ascension into a full goddess, but the young princess refuses. Since in her own eyes she was meant to find her place with her elvish people as their queen. Even though she is partly a goddess she saw herself more as a gifted Elf than an Elvish Goddess. Noctura was right, that was the fate the stars told till that day. She was meant to be a gifted Elven Queen.

But the Moiren, also known as Sisters of Fate, had other plans; they could not accept that she would refuse such an honour to become a mere queen unnoticed by history.

So they appeared at the mountain of the gods, the centre of the godly realm, and spoke, "You shall not refuse godhood, Daughter of the Night. So we will make you the Goddess of Night and Darkness, Guardian of the Forests and The One that experienced all Wars." And with these words they doomed a princess destined to be the greatest queen to become an even greater one. A lifetime with many but counted days became an endless one.

Finally Noctura could return to the elves. But in the time she was gone many things had changed. The prince had been made the prince regent till she would return. Moreover he did find his fated soul mate named Astiel. Asriel thought Noctura was the former wife, lover or queen of Lumion instead of his daughter. Since she was of jealous nature she caused a few troubles upon Nocturas return. All could be explained and so with time the problems were solved. Soon she was crowned their queen but the title she now bore had consequences for her.

The peace searching person which she still was, was now confronted with even more horrors of war. At first she only needed to observe the proceedings and everything was fine. But as time went on the philosophic minds of the world deployed more and more theories. One of those sayed, "One can only truly experience what others experience when one lives through the exact same thing." It is the truth and a truth that doomed the young queen even more.

Now she had to collect the souls of the fallen soldiers to experience their memories. But that was only the start. More and more philosophical theories started to force her to become the one that we also call Soul Reaper, Soul Collector or in one word Death. Now you know what I meant by experience. The realm of the queen that started as the elven realm became the land of the dead.

Now not only the elves guard the World Tree but they also help their queen to guide the souls of the dead people in their realm so they can rest and be reborn when they are ready for it. So, the Elves protect the cycle of life and death.


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