End Of The Element World

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Caeruleus sat with Aeris in the small meadow by the pond; with little to speak of. For some reason, Aeris had been very distant from Caeruleus, which made Caeruleus question if her rain was starting to get to Aeris as well as the others. "Are you mad at me?" she blurted out unintentionally. Silence. The only thought she had was that she was going to lose her only friend. "Caeruleus... there's something I need to tell you..." A big loud growl came from a few feet away, interrupting Aeris. The animal started to run after the girls as soon as they took a glance at it; and soon realized it was Hades' three-headed dog, Cerberus. "Run!" Aeris shouted. They got up running back towards the Water kingdom, rain pouring down on to them. Caeruleus was the slightest bit ahead of Aeris when she heard her scream.

Turning around, she found Cerberus on top of Aeris, eating her alive. "Aeris!" Caeruleus screamed, running back to her friend, but by the time she reached that few feet , she was dead. A loud snarl came from the dog, as it attempted to pounce on Caeruleus; yet she was to quick. Caeruleus put her hands together making a water block around her, keeping Cerberus from getting to her, and kept running back to her kingdom.She finally reached the Water kingdom where she thought she would be safe. But oh was she wrong. Lightning bolts were being shot, boulders being thrown, zombies and evil souls attacking the people. Caeruleus could barely move. It was like she was frozen in place. Starring around herself, watching the world she had grown up in, being broken into tiny pieces. She could feel someone shaking her, calling out her name. But she just couldn't speak or move. The shock faded away as reality hit her hard in the gut. Her dad stood there shaking her, telling her to run; to get away from the water kingdom and go warn the other kingdoms. "No, Dad. We are under attack and I will help! Who are these people?" she asked curiously, her fear seeming like it was gone, but still hidden inside her. He answered just slightly above a whisper " They are the Gods, Caeruleus..."

The Gods? She thought. Why would they be attacking us? We didn't do anything wrong to make them angry at us! Fury rose up inside her, steam blowing out of her ears, rain crashing down upon the battle that stood in front of her. Raising her hands, the water that surrounded the whole entire Water Kingdom rose up at her command. And with one swift movement, Caeruleus made a big tsunami, causing quite a few people to fall over or cough up more water from choking, but of course, Poseidon and his guards (which were some type of weird, huge, scary sea horses. They looked nothing like the real seahorses) stayed put, water whooshing everywhere as they fought against practically their own kind.Poseidon took a quick glance at Caeruleus, noticing who she was, and charged at her.

What did we do wrong? I have to go warn the others like Dad said! Caeruleus felt a sharp pain in her side, as she glanced down seeing blue blood pour out of her side. There he stood, the God of the sea, Poseidon; a trident in his hand. " What do you want!?" she shouted. He gave no answer; simply a cheeky grin, as he raised his trident, pointing it at Caeruleus. The first thought that came to her mind was to run, and just as she turned around to run, her dad laid coldly on the ground, his body slowly turning into water. "Dad!" Just as she was about to rush over to her dad, someone shot her with a lightning bolt. As you know, lightning and water don't mix very well. The air filled with Caeruleus' screams as she fell to the ground. Caeruleus woke up cold and felt, burnt almost. Then she remembered what had happened. The war around her continued to go, so she must not of been out for a long time. Are the other kingdoms under attack as well? Caeruleus ran and ran for 20 minutes until she finally reached the gate to the air kingdom. "Stolidus! Let me in! I have important news and we may not have a lot of time!" she shouted to the guard of the Air Kingdom. The gate slowly rose, which felt like forever. and as soon as it opened enough for Caeruleus to get in, she slid under running towards the village.

"People of Flatus! The Gods of declared battle against our kingdoms, Aqua being first! My kingdom is failing, as my father, the ruler has been defeated! You will be next; Ignis then Terra."

All the people in the village started to run around frantically; mothers running to their children, the men rushing to tell others who are working. I start running past all the scared villagers towards the kingdom to warn the ruler, Aura.

Caeruleus enters the palace, pushing past the guards. "Aura! I have important news! The kingdoms are under attack!" Aura appears from the hallway across from Caeruleus fear spread upon her face. "What are you talking about, my dear? We are under attack? By whom!?" Aura grabbed Caeruleus by the arm dragging her to the book room, when she glances around with a confused look. "Where is Aeris?"

With a bow to her head, Caeruleus explained what had happened to her daughter. "I'm very sorry, Aura, but you must listen to me. The Gods have killed my father, I am all alone... You must help me warn the other kingdoms before they destroy Flatus, Ignis and Terra!" The ruler backed away slowly, tears streaming down her face. "Caeruleus, precious child... I cannot help you; the only thing i could do to help would press the 'Kingdom Emergency' button. Just as Aura went to press the button, evil spirits swarmed through the building, attacking first the ruler. "No!" Caeruleus shouts as she runs to the ruler's aid. One evil spirit grabs Aura by the wrist squeezing it as she cries out in pain.

With as much force as she could, Caeruleus forced steaming water to fall upon the evil spirits; which some evaporated, while others stayed put. And those spirits that stayed put kept squeezing Aura's wrists. All of a sudden, Caeruleus dropped to the floor, grabbing her side as her dark blue blood continued to drip out of her body which she had completely forgotten about. The last thing Caeruleus heard was Aura's screams as her wrists popped, and her lifeless body tumbled to the ground, turning into the wind.

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