09 Perverts Play

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Author's Pov

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Author's Pov

     Tomorrow, as the students call it "the trip day", appeared faster than foreseen, students of both Sapphire and Teddy Bear clubs loitered near the revenues Of Autumn High with their estimable teachers, who were so done with them already. Seriously, which teacher would prefer to spend an entire week with their Berk-like students?

"I suppose we should get started with our dares now" Elijah whispers gathering the members, and the last thing they wished for was for their teachers to know about their little game which they'll be playing in secret for who knows how long.

Mona pulled her bottle and whirled it on the surface, the top part stopped at the guys, which tells it was their turn to give the girls their dare. The boys celebrated in silence, while the girls just waited for them to get it over with.

"We dare you, girls, to come in shorts" Shane grinned.

"That is not happening" Snapped Nina

"That's so lame-..."

Jungkook started but, "Oh no no, this is a nice one" he changed his opinion right after he heard her. The satisfaction he sure might get after watching Nina do something she doesn't like. The punishment for not doing a dare would be, making the boys win in their next sports tournament.

Sports tournament is exceedingly valuable for both academies. It's nearly like one important carnival that the people of 'Mount Spring' town join and celebrate by attending the tournaments.

"Come on Nina, we can't lose,"

"But, that's very mindless" oh well. What can you conceivably predict from guys?

"I promise to make them walk in their boxers" Mona assured closing her eyes for a few seconds before opening them up dramatically with a short nod as if making a vow to herself. That's probably the only thing that made Nina wear shorts.

"Oh, my gosh girls, looking sexy" Principal Kim commented on her way into Principal Lee's office.

When the girls were out, ready to get on the bus, they heard all sorts of pervert remarks from the guys and that's when they swore they'll never let those pea-brained humans sleep in peace.

"Nina, you look great" Elijah teased from the crowd.

"Shut up!" she snapped at him in disgust.

Whilst getting onto the bus, all of them were put in a team just like Nina and Jungkook. Mona and Taehyung, Emily and Elijah and the list go on. They assumed it'd be susceptible to get stuff performed as long as they are in a group.

They were made to sit together, members of the sapphire club and teddy bear club were in one bus. By now you may have learned that Jungkook and Nina were to share the seat.

"I want the window seat" He argued towering over her. "I don't care what you want" She flipped her hair proudly simultaneously as leaning back on her seat. Making her wear shorts wasn't sufficient now he expects her window seat as well.

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