A Droplets Journey

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"So... When are we going to be... You know, taken away?" Droplena whispered to me.

"You mean..." I got quieter. "Evaporate?" I said in a whispered. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Don't say that word, they'll yell at you!" She said in a hushed manner. She seemed afraid.

"I don't care what the-..." I was interrupted by Droplena floating upward, along with everyone else around me.

"Hey! Droplena! Where are you going! Where are all of you going" I yelled at them as they rose to the surface. "Stop! Please wait! I want to come, wait up!" I yelled up to them again. They didn't seem to care. They all left, evaporating into the sky.

"Well, I guess I'm all alone for now." I said, swimming out towards the sea. I looked ahead and saw millions and millions of droplets being pushed ahead. Could this be?  Had I found a current? I swam closer and closer, and felt a tug. I got scared and tried to swim away, but couldn't.

"Well, this will be fun I guess."  I said under my breath as I was swept under the current.

Thousands, no, millions of droplets, everywhere! They were all yelling in the spirit of glorious adventure! We were rolling, all of us, together. We were a great machine, pushing and shoving forward, on, to wherever we were going. Hey, where were we going by the way?

I yelled out to the swarm of droplets, "Hey! Does anyone know where we're going?" I don't think they heard me, none of them answered. They just kept pushing and shoving, forcing me up and down in a roller coaster of motion.

"Does anybody know where we're going?" I yelled out.

Someone hit me and replied, "Duuuuude, look ahead, we're going to the beeeaaaaaccchhh." He said in a strange accent, very relaxed. I looked ahead and saw a massive cliff side, with a tiny beach below it.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"Europe duuuuuuuude. England specificaaleey." He replied.

We began to approach this beach called, "EuropeEngland." but entropy began to take hold of the current even more. The stream began to get more reckless and violent, droplets were falling and rolling and tumbling all over! We went up, and we went down, we were all one big massive, wave.

I began to rise with all of my other droplets, up and up and up, I was so high! We were basically standing on each other, rising! I looked up and some droplets began to just, fall. They would get really high up, start to go forward, and fall down.

"Wait, I, uh, I don't wanna fall down, get out of my way!" I yelled out, pushing and shoving other droplets as I swam down. I couldn't swim fast enough though, thousands of droplets pushed against me. We rolled upward, and then I was pushed out. It was like being shot out of a cannon! For a second, I was free, alone from all of the craziness around me, away from the current. I flew in complete serenity towards the beach, it was bliss.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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