Loving Baby J: The Story of a The Tomboy Daddy 1/?

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  • Dedicated to April

I ,Phailin Buakao, am a very hyper and talkative person Most of the time And rarely do I find myself at a loss of words but its not every day that a pretty girl runs crying into my arms and turns my life upside down.

The day had started hectic as any first day of school.

It started with my Donovan, David and I rushing to get all our stuff together for our first day at The University of Seoul , which we would be attending.That morning Dr.Choi drove David, Donovan, and myself to the university campus as he had some time before going to work.Once his sons and I were out of the car he drove back in to heavy Seoul traffic.

Honestly I was glad Dr.Choi had agreed to let me move with Korea for university. If he hadn't agreed to take care of me my parents would have never allowed me to study in any others country then The States or Thailand, they don't want me to be in a country where I know no one, they had only agreed because they have known Dr.Choi for many years and because Dr.Choi's Sons David and Donovan have been my best friends since diapers- we are practically inseparable.

David had classes early that morning so he quickly bid us goodbye before rushing off in a hurry. Donovan and I had our classes in the afternoon and it was merely 8am so we decided to make our way through the campus trying to find a café.On they way there we spotted a arguing couple but we thought nothing of it until we a slap which caught out attention, letting our conversation trail off. Then the girl started running while continually wiping the tears from her eyes- before I know it she bumped into me almost knocking me over.

"Mianhaeyo" she apologized in korean still looking down at the ground," No problem, nobody hurt right?" I replied in English. She simply nodded ,making me unsure if she had understudy what I had said. She then started to walk away , but I know she was in no condition to go anywhere at the moment as she had already bumped in to me what if she ran in to the rode?

I had Donovan ask her if she wanted to join us at the café until she was more calm, she was reluctant but agreed anyway.Once we found a little cafe outside of the main campus we ordered our drinks and found a table in the back of the cafe.

"Well let me introduce my self that its not that awkward, I'm Phailin Buakao and I must apologize that I don't speak korean only english and Thai" I introduced myself and Donovan did the same. After a while of talking and sipping coffee she had calmed down and I had even found out a couple things about her.

Her name is Kim Yong-Hee , she is the daughter of one of the richest family's in Korea , and that the argument she was having with her now ex-boyfriend was because she had recently sound out that she was pregnant and he, being a popular playboy wanted nothing to to do with the baby as it would ruin his reputation.

" My parents will be so angry at me for giving birth to a fatherless child , it won't be good for their reputation" she said in a worried tone tears threatening to fall again " I'm such a disappointment!" She said as tears rolled down her face again.Honestly I didn't know what I would do in her situation, so I wanted to help her in some way because in a situation like this she would need all the help she could get.

At that moment I had an idea "Why don't you you find someone that would pretend to be the father and will be willing to raise the child with you!?" I said proud of my idea, her face brightened up at the idea and then she got bright smile on her face and looked me in the eyes "Would you do that for me?I mean we have only know each other for a couple of hours but I already trust you" she ask with pleading eyes. I nodded not knowing at the moment what I had just gotten myself into, the tomboy pretend to date a rich girl and be the "father" of her child. At that moment I didn't know hard my life was going to get and how much I was going to fall in love with Yong-Hee and our little Baby J.


After another couple of hours it was time for Donovan and myself to attend class so we exchanged numbers with Yong-Hee and quickly made our way to our first class which was chemistry.

The teacher ,Dr. Park is abnormally tall for an Korean man, he has semi-curly light brown dyed hair, thick rimed nerdy glasses, and on the contrary to his innocent and child like face he has a abnormally deep voice. Though the man is in his mid 30s he's not one of those teachers who have a stick up there ass all the time.

He's defiantly not like my old high school teachers, Dr.Park has a habit of breaking out in a fit of laughter at random moments which makes you wonder if he even should be in a room full of dangerous chemicals. Never the less once we saw how he worked with the chemicals, explaining how they worked in a careful manner we all know he is qualified for the job. I am going to enjoy having him as a teacher. After class we stayed a little in the classroom talking with Dr.Park as we had been informed that our next class was canceled for that day because the teacher had gotten sick during class. Dr. Park is a cool guy, he sat there on his desk with his log legs crossed in Indian style as he talked with us telling us that he used to be in a music group as a rapper, he even demonstrated his rapping skills, which I must say were very much awe-inspiring. On our way out he gave us his number in case we ever had trouble with our chemistry work since he didn't want us to fail.

The day went on with not may interesting things happening until we got to advanced English class which I found out we had with Yong-Hee. Mr.Horvejkul is the teacher for advanced English and I was happy to find out that he is thai who was born in America munch like myself. Now in don't have to worry about having no one to talk to in my native language.

Advanced english and Korean history with Ms.Kimwas my last class of the day so once it ended , I made my way to where Yong-Hee was siting with here friends "Hey" I greeted her with a smile. Yong-Hee looked up at me returning the smile, but I did notice her friends give me a odd look which I choose to ignore it.

"Phailin these are my friends Mia, Eunjin, and Dami" she said ask each of them waved as she said there names " Girl's this is my new boyfriend Phailin!" she exclaimed proudly as she took my hand, honestly it was kind of awkward to be addressed as boyfriend for the fact that I am a girl but I will have to get used to it.

Donovan and David, who also had this class came over and introduced themselves and joined the conversation.

David had the idea that we could all go out to eat together since we it was the last class for all of use, we all agreed.

We found to a small restaurant in Hongdae and ate and then walked around Hongdae as it was only 6pm school had started on a Friday for some reason so we had the weekend.

"So dose Sang-Ook know that you already have a new boy?" Mia ask looking over at Yong-Hee from where she was walking next to Donovan, "No and he has has no say in my love life so why should I tell him?" Yong-Hee ask "Maybe cause the baby in you is his!" Dami exclaimed , Yong-Hee rolled her eye "Who said its his baby? I just told him that so he wouldn't know that I found someone better then him!" She said with some sass in her voice as she put her head on my shoulder.

"Are you telling me this guy here is the father! Was he like your secret summer lover while you were in America?" Dami and the other girls were in complaint shock.

"Has he met Daniel oppa yet? You know he has to at least met your brother" Eunjin said, Yong-Hee was bitting her lower lip "He hasn't met Daniel Oppa yet, I'm planning to have them met soon" she said looking down "Your gonna be in big trouble once Daniel oppa finds out that you impregnated his younger sister" Dami said looking at me with pity.

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