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TO SAY IRIS WAS ANNOYED was an understatement. She was absolutely infuriated and felt that if she stayed inside that classroom, beside her douche of a seatmate for one more second, then she'd explode. She was trying her best to keep her composure, especially after the new arrangement was made because she knew there was nothing she could do to get out of it, but Seojuns constant nagging and teasing wasn't helpful at all. Especially given the fact that he knew just the right places to poke at to get a rise out of her. Though the two had never ever really been friends, he had known the girl long enough to know how to annoy her.

"And then-" Seojun said as he continued with telling one of his stories from when he first started ridding his motorcycle, despite the fact that the brunette could not care any less. Iris would've kept quiet if it were not for the fact that his nonstop talking was distracting her and not allowing her to pay attention to what was being taught.

As Iris closed her eyes to prevent herself from exploding at her seatmate, she finally turned to him and gave him a hard look, "Can you shut up?" she said as she gritted her teeth, "God you're so annoying." she muttered to herself.

Seojun however didn't seem offended by the comment. He infact seemed to take pride in it, as his mission to annoying his seatmate was working, "Thank you."

Iris gave him a look, "That wasn't a compliment." she deadpanned, but he instead responded with a cheeky smile before continuing on with his stupid story causing Iris to mentally sigh. This was going to be a long class.


Before Iris knew it though, the class soon came to an end, and once she heard the ringing of the bell, she couldn't be any happier as she finally had the chance to step away from that hell hole. So as the rest of her classmates began packing their things, ready to go off for lunch, Iris quickly jumped to her feet and run for the door, not even bothering to wait for any of her friends. She needed some fresh air, and fast.

So when Iris made it out of the class, she went towards the girls bathroom and gave her face a quick rinse as she gave herself a pep talk. She couldn't let Seojun or this new arrangement get to her like that. She needed to hang on and just deal with it. She knew she would be fine.

It seemed that Iris had been standing by the sink of the bathroom giving herself a pep talk for far too long because she hadn't noticed Naelea slip inside until she made her presence known, "What's wrong?"

Iris glanced at her friend through the mirror and gave her friend a tired look, "I hate this new arrangement so much!" she complained now feeling tears beginning to form. She knew she was being dramatic, there was no reason to cry over something as silly as this. But she couldn't help it.

Seojun really pissed her off in ways indescribable.

Naeleas eyes softened upon this and quickly pulled her friend into a hug, "It'll be okay Iris." she assured her.

"It won't. He's probably going to annoy me to death or something. I swear, he's doing this on purpose to aggravate me." she muttered as she rested her head on her friends shoulder, seeing as the two were around the same height.

Naelea nodded, wishing there was some way she could help her friend out. But there wasn't. "Then don't give him a reaction since that's clearly what he wants." she stated and Iris nodded.

"You're right." she was just giving him what he wanted. If she didn't react, then hopefully he would leave her alone. Right?

Naelea grinned at her friends words, "I always am." the two then pulled away from the hug, Iris wiping away the unshed the tears and the latter grabbing onto her arm like an excited child that had just seen their favorite candy, "Come on, apparently Taehoons going to surprise Sua for their anniversary."

That's when Iris remembered. It was Taehoon and Suas 100 day anniversary since they first started dating. Sua had not stopped talking about it for weeks to the group and despite the fact that Taehoon hadn't talked much about it to the latter, little did Sua know that he had been planning a whole party behind her back with the help of her friends in hopes of surprising her.

"Right! Let's go." Iris said and together the two made it back to their homeroom class which was all decorated with different balloons, confetti's and even a banner that Iris had remembered helping Taehoon pick out just a few days earlier.

The desks had been moved to the side to make some more room for everyone, and while Taehoon and Sua were currently slow dancing along to some cheesy romantic song, everyone was cheering for them as they urged them to kiss. Though Naelea found the whole thing cheesy, Iris was at awe over the whole scene.

Though just before Taehoon and Sua could kiss, another one of their classmates, Ahn Hyun-gyu picked up the cake that had been set aside and attempted to throw it at the couple in a teasing manner. It could've been because there was too much confetti on the ground, or because Taehoon and Sua quickly moved out of the way. But either way, Hyun-gyu ended up splattering the cake on an unsuspecting Jugyeong, who stood glued to her spot, unable to move or prevent the creamy dessert from hitting her,

Suddenly everyone went silent, as they watched their schools new goddess drip in nothing but vanialla cream in horror, unsure of what to say or do.

Iris however was the first to speak up from the bunch, "Are you okay?" she asked and just like that everyone began to panic. Whilst Taehoon yelled at Hyun-gyu for his stupid actions, all the girls surrounded an overwhelmed Jugyeong, trying to wipe at her face with a tissue, even though she clearly was uncomfortable with people touching her.

"Guys give her some space at least." Iris called out to the crowd, however they simply ignored her and continued to bombard Jugyeong as though she were some damsel in distress. That's when Iris knew, she couldn't be bothered by any of this, as Jugyeong had more than enough help from the people around her. So with a sigh, Iris turned around and exited the classroom, deciding to grab something from the vending machine in the mean time.

She had succeeded and ended up grabbing a bag of chips before making her way back to homeroom to check on Jugyeong, however just as she began returning to a familiar corridor, she saw as Jugyeong jumped on Seojuns back, who had bent down to tie his shoes, and shoved him aside as she tried making a run to the bathroom to clean up the cake that still covered her face. Soon after, the classmates that had been surrounding and overwhelming Jugyeong followed peruse and ran after the panicked girl, knocking over Seojun once again.

Iris grinned as she walked towards Seojun who now laid on the ground as he groaned over his sore arms and back that had been stepped on. "Hey, you got a little something there." Iris said as she pointed towards the footprint marks on both his sleeves and back.

Seojun however scoffed at the girls words, "I know that." he muttered, clearly embarrassed by the situation.

Iris however, was enjoying every bit of it. "Do you though?"

This time Seojun snapped, "Shut up Iris, nobody asked for your input."

Iris however was unfazed by his comment and instead rolled her eyes, "Make me." she said as she stuck her tongue out to mock him.

Seojun got up from his spot, clearly ready to say something to the short brunette. However, before he could, a sight caught both Iris and Seojuns eyes. "What the hell."

Suho and Jugyeong were walking side by side, however Suhos blazer that Iris recalled had never once been taken off was covering Jugyeongs head, as though he were shielding her and he had a look in his eyes as he stared at Jugeyong, one that Iris had only ever seen him give to her. For some reason the sight upset her stomach, even though it shouldn't have.

"Looks like your boyfriends replaced you already." Seojun said with a smirk as he saw Iris' playful grin now be replaced with a frown.

"Shut up." she muttered. Suho was probably just helping Jugyeong out, it's not like something was going on between the two of them, right?

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )

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