𝟬𝟮𝟭 who am i, if not exploited?

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chapter twenty one, who am i, if not exploited?

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chapter twenty one, who am i, if not exploited?


          The morning of the fight that determined which dojo was going to be a part of the Sekai Taikai, Izzy found herself wearing the white gi that belonged to the Miyagi-Do dojo. It was official, she was in Miyagi-Do, and Izzy loved it. She walked into Cobra Kai with the rest, but trailed behind everyone else.

Ever since Sam said that she thinks Miguel loves Izzy, it was all Izzy could think about for days. Sure, saying you love someone seems like it's no big deal, but love is a feeling that weighs heavy on Izzy. Especially when the only people who said it to Izzy were her family, not even Ethan and she had said they loved each other.

It was the same for Miguel, the feelings he felt for Izzy were strong, and he loves her, but they were two teenagers who didn't really know how to express that. Especially now when they weren't together.

And when Izzy realized that she fell in love with Miguel, it all began going downhill because she was scared he wasn't on the same page as her, but Sam's words were on repeat in her mind. Did Miguel tell Sam that? Did Sam overhear Miguel saying it to Eli, or Demetri, or someone? Did she just have that feeling? It was driving Izzy insane.

"Hey," A voice called out and Izzy realized she got so lost in her thoughts that she stopped walking while everyone disappeared into the main room. She looked in front of her to see Miguel standing there. "Are you okay?"

          He walked closer to her and Izzy just nodded, "I'm okay. I'm kind of nervous, I don't–I don't know why I'm nervous, I'm not even fighting." Izzy rambled, glancing down at the ground as Miguel approached her.

          "Hey, hey, it's okay." Miguel told her, now standing in front of the girl and he looked down at her despite Izzy not looking at him. "You gotta go in there and show them you're doing fine without Cobra Kai." Miguel told her.

Izzy's eyes shifted to look at the boy and the corner of her lips twitched upward, then she nodded her head. "You're right. I am doing fine without Cobra Kai." She spoke out loud, watching Miguel smile.

"This proves it," Miguel told her, gently pulling at the arm of the Miyagi-Do gi. "Although, I still think you should've chose Eagle Fang. You look good in red."

          The compliment made Izzy's cheek flush as she glanced down at the ground, smiling to herself. She couldn't even process what he told her fully because all Izzy could think about was how there was a chance that Miguel loves her like she did him. And now that Izzy said her goodbye to Cobra Kai, maybe she could finally be with Miguel again.

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