chapter 4

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Ms Lane began to tie a bandage around my arm. Saying something about her daughter but I wasn't paying attention. 

“Nurse lane!” Ziggy's voice brought me out of my trance and realised that she was almost cutting off my blood circulation. 

“Once a day for the days” she gave me some cream with no emotion on her face 

The door burst open and revealed cindy, ziggy's perfect preppy sister, 

“Hi nurse lane” she said with a fake smile that dropped when she saw me “hi flora” 

“Hello dear” ms lane replied politely

“Hi” I glared , already knowing that she was mad at the both of us but mostly ziggy. 

   She stopped smiling completely when she saw her sister “ziggy” she said as she dragged her out of ms lanes hut 

“Is there anything else I can help you with, dear?” ms lane asked me 

“No thank you im ok” i said and followed the sisters out but still giving them space. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it was definitely arguing 

I decided to hide out in mine and Ziggy's cabin while I waited for her. 

Then I got impatient so I went out to find ms lane getting wheeled out of the camp, Cindy and Tommy talking to the police. 

I found Ziggy and went over to her. 

“What happened” i said making her jump “sorry” 

“Don't do that but nurse lane attacked tommy” she said with pain and worry in her tone 

“What? But we just saw her like an hour ago” i said in disbelief 

“Yeah i know” she said shaking her head 

“She did seem upset…” i said to myself not thinking that she could hear me but she did 

“Yeah she did”

“So sorry witch, i know you and nurse psycho were close” sheila said in mocked sadness directed to ziggy “maybe now you can visit her in jail” 

“Fuck you sheila” i scoffed 

“Go die fag” she said back “careful flora just because your friends with the witch doesnt mean your not a target” 

“You know telling me to die is just making my dream bigger and bigger” i said smiling 

“You should go and check the incident that happened in cabin five” Ziggy and I gave each other a panicked look. 

“If you didnt know thats my cabin as well but i'm sure you didn't, i mean your blinded by the amount of grease in your hair” and then i walked to cabin five

RUN AWAY BABY  ~~ deena Johnson Where stories live. Discover now