chapter 8

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We heard more screams and yells following so we rushed out, hand in hand to see what all the chaos was all about. We both regretted making our way to the front seeing as a boy named Jeremy was lying in his own blood. 

We were all being pushed around by people rushing to the mess hall. Ziggy tried to get out of my hold. 

“What are you doing?” i asked her 

“My sister! She's still out there” she said and tried to get out of my hold again. 

“No you're not going alone. I'll come with you. I don't want you to get hurt” she smiled and dragged me to the door. 

But we were stopped by nick 

“Where do you think your going?” he said

“To get my sister” ziggy started and started to drag me through the door but Nick grabbed my arm, stopping us again. 

“I can't let you out, it's my job to keep you in here and save you. Me and Gary will go” he said and Gary looked at him confused. 

“what ?” gary said 

“I'll find your sister okay?” Nick said. 

“And her friend alice” i said 

“And Alice,” he agreed. 

We decided to give them a chance and stayed where we were.

That was until we got cornered by Sheila's friends. 

“Where is she freaks” 

“You kill her like you did with jeremy”

“What are you talking about?” Ziggy interrupted them. 


“Where the fuck is sheila” they yelled back 

Me and Ziggy looked at each other and then ran out of the mess hall and went to the outhouse.

I removed the screwdriver from the door. We planned for Ziggy to go in and get Sheila and me to keep watch so that's what I did. 

When she went in, I waited for her to come out with Sheila but instead i'm met with screaming. 

I got to go in the outhouse but Ziggy yelled “stay outside, I got this!” I did as she said and stood guard. 

I saw someone coming towards us and I was about to alert Ziggy but I saw that it was grey so I didn't and let him in.

The screaming stopped and I heard them talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. 

I looked forward and saw a bloodied up tommy slater with an axe stalking towards me. He swung his axe at me but I ducked just in time.

I ran into the out house to try and warn ziggy and gary but he was faster than me. 

He entered the outhouse and took Gary's head clean off. We both screamed. I grabbed Ziggy's hand and dragged her out not noticing that I had Gary's blood on my face. 

“What was happening there before Tommy came in?” I continued running as fast as I could. 

“Alice and cindy were down there” she panted too 

I stopped running after hearing this “what are they okay?” 

She stopped too “i think so, alice's leg was bandaged up, i'm not sure why though. She seemed okay ''I sighed in relief. Alice and I had gotten along well since we met. 

“Im glad theyre both okay but we should keep running, hes so fucking fast” i said with a laugh, she nodded and we continued running. 

We ran into science and nature and locked the door behind us, ducking behind a counter as we both breathed heavily, exhausted by all the running. About 2 minutes later, we heard banging on the door. 

RUN AWAY BABY  ~~ deena Johnson Where stories live. Discover now