chapter1)the first day

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My pov)I woke up and rubbed my blue eyes and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my dark blue and pink tipped hair into a ponytail and went out and used my magic to change into the uniform and put on a little bit of blush and lipgloss I grabbed my book bag and put in my headphones, lipgloss and diary I grabbed my phone and ran down stairs to see my mother and her boyfriend I hate him but I can't do anything so I said good morning to them and got an apple and waved bye and left to school)my POV)I went up the stairs and saw a huge school I pulled my phone out and took a picture a boy bumped into me he growled watch where your standing stupid potato me being me fought back and growled Leave me alone y_y_you jerk! Everyone was watching and shocked we both growled my stupid werewolf side came out and it was my OMEGA FORM in my head I screamed SHIT! He laughed so all of them were laughing I spoke up and told him and everyone else if they knew what I do to a$$h#l*s? They said no I smirk well then my eyes glew red and the tips of my ears and tail they all screamed except Aaron I was normal again a human bye mr.Lycan I said to the boy and ran off smiling he stared shocked that I knew his last name everyone was in home room so I went too here is my schedule.                                         ___________________________
1. art
Last werewolf class 101
I groaned and ran to art then I saw a little group of one girl and two boys the girl had raven hair and ombre eyes the first boy had sand blonde hair and blue eyes then the boy next to him has light brown hair and baby blue eyes I waited for club social and I ran there and joined werewolf club and I saw a ball about to hit a boy he had white hair and emerald eyes I push him out of the way but not fast enough and I get hit hard with the ball a girl with blue eyes and hair said sorry and helped me up and said her name is katelyn I thanked her and said my name is kaylynn...then I saw the jerk from earlier and growled my omega ears and tail appeared aph katelyn Laurence and garroth hold me back the jerk laughs his butt off I transform into my wolf form and run right in front of him and  i turn back and growl at him he laughs you won't do sh!t to me because I am stronger oh really you say your stronger then me then k!ll me b@$t@rd! He laughed at me the alpha Male and female hit me sh!t then I scream" YOU SCARED LYCAN !"He stopped dead in his tracks how do you know my last name b!t#h! I giggled he screamed "Answer me b!t#h!"I spoke up and said" everyone knows about the lycan family melissa aaron Derek and Rachel lycan."I get up guess you really did forget... my ears and tail go down mr.Lycan screams"what do you mean!?"I sang OUR SONG the song we both used to sing his eyes widened katie? I nodded then ran so fast he barely could follow me I ran into the werewolf class no one was there I ran to a random desk and sat on the desktop crying this reminded me of a song called prom queen so  I sang it (down there)

Aaron's POV)I heard someone singing a song I followed it to werewolf class and then saw kaylynn I tip toed next to her then listened to her sing it went like God save the prom queen she stopped when she jumped I said you okay katie? Ahhhhhhh she screamed what the hell!? "MOVE MR.LYCAN!"She shouted no. in stead I pinned her to the wall she turned a light pink on her cheeks then I don't know why but I cupped her face in my hands then push my lips to hers she didn't kiss back she keep trying to push me away then*SMACK!* she smacked me she ran just in time for class to start.(my POV)I ran to werewolf class 101 i saw HIM hell no i saw aphmau being pushed around by the alpha Male balto I stepped in and screamed HEY!Back off he looked at me and said in a mocking tone why should I OMEGA! My hands clenched into fists I teleported in front of aph and punched him to the wall my ears tail and eyes were glowing red I picked him up and throw him out the window I said"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER GOT IT!" He just nodded still on the floor the teacher came in but my eyes and ears and tail stopped glowing I bowed to him hello sir he asked who thrown balto I raise my hand me sir you need to choose the new alpha Male I point at Aaron him I say why so we can start the lesson and me and my friend will sit with each other I point to aph very well then he starts the lesson I saw aphmau started to fall asleep I tell her to try and listen she fell asleep I smile the teacher said that what is her excuse I answer she's with me I say okay miss Luna he continues Aaron asks why I take care of her because she only has a mother her dad left her mom at a young age so I take care of her at school that's why I snapped at balto oh he said well she is stupid weak and short I smacked him in front of the whole class take that back I said mad at him she woke up I said hey aph hi kaylynn nice nap ya she laughed I smiled in my head I was crying she was perfect when I wasn't I was like my father rude,negative,stupid and worst of all FORGOTTEN.
Hi everyone it's me kaylynn that's my irl name so ya I wanna be a bit true to myself  yes i do think all of that about me but what could I do?bye little alphas!🐺👑🖤

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