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                    Ruby's diary.

'Sadness, grief, anguish, mourning, tears, crying this are words from different births but state the same emotion. They come together to show the weakest and strongest parts of a human being. Each expressed in a different way according to how deep the cut is. Others shout, others scream, others have their voices  silenced not allowed to tell the world what they feel. Those who oppressors speak in volumes for those whose mouths are sealed sending messages that aren't their own. This volume could now be felt by the thousands who lost their kin in Midviel city. It hurt, it broke them for they saw death in a different light something they ran away from.  the moment they sealed their sentence with blood. Immortality was a gift and now that gift was being taken from them one by one, by a shadow unknown to them. A dark force. It was now time to draw a line between themselves and the shadow within.'

Three weeks later things felt easier, Her arm had improved tremendously and so we're her brothers. Despite Dean looking super happy about going to the funeral of their fallen enemy, "I am going to put the fun in funeral" his words not hers, it was not enough to decrease all the nightmares he was suffering after the incident. It seems it was true the bitch was quite a formidable enemy worthy of their first strike. Vampires indeed do have a compelling power, a trait passed on to them for generations as a way of catching their prey. God made it easier for them equipping them with claws, fangs and a paralysing toxin that keeps the prey quite still as it feeds on it, then went on ahead to add compulsion no that's not it. With the stories their late teacher used to tell them this power was more like a devil's gift inorder to make them an entity of pure darkness they were gifted this after a bargain with the leader. That is why they are called children of the night as dark as their souls already sold to the devil. While they are the children of the moon blessed by the light of every phase of moon to keep the humans and other creatures safe from the darkness hiding the vampires from sight blessed with the only toxin that can kill them. A loop hole if one can be allowed to call it that. Currently she is the last of this loop hole.

To say things were getting back to normal she mostly meant that the way things are now there is a more cheerful feeling in the air unlike before. The passing of Ginnifer Ladon took a toll on all the vampires at school. She could not tell if most of it was geninune for all or it was the spread from the bad mood coming from leader forcing them to feel what he was going through. According to information she overheard from Derrick to his cousin it seems the old fart has been locked up in his room for quite sometime in pain for losing his closest child. At least now she can rest a bit easy knowing that he has felt the fraction of pain he has made her suffer all this years. The dent of loss left behind after the claws of death has plucked the petals of life away. Three weeks, Life was getting bearable again and when I say back to normal I also mean Derrick was back to it. His favorite hobby annoying the hell out of Ruby. Something she did not miss at all.

Biology 121 class
"What time is it?" "Time to get a new hobby." Ruby slaps back turning the next page of her bio anatomy book sticking pink sticky notes around the eye. "You just keep getting braver." "I am not brave, am just speaking my mind those are two different things you should know that since you are so wise." She answers adding some short notes on the sticky notes with her blue glitter pen marvelling at the beauty of the writing turning to purple with each touch of ink putting a small smile on her face something he unknowingly enjoyed. "It has been a peaceful three weeks, I should be grateful I had a moment of peace but all that has gone down the drain." "Did I ruin your happy moment?" The silver head looks away contemplating what to do next seeing the female choose to be silent but is stopped by the biology teacher walking in, books in hand.

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