The Best Meat In Town

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The butcher hates me. Every time my Dad and I went to get some meat,he would always glare at me and curse under his breath when he sees me. I don't even know why he's like that. It's not like I did anything to him. I've asked Dad several times to change butcher shops,but Dad says this place has "real meat". Honestly,I think all the meats taste the same,and sometimes it tastes weird too.

Today,I woke up and saw Dad hovering over my bed. "Wake up! It's time to get the best meat in town." he exclaimed. "Why do I have to go with you?" I yawned. " It's always good to have companionship,and your mother was at her vampire book club." he explained. "Now get dressed and be ready. We'll leave at 6:20." I guess I didn't have a choice. I got out of my pajamas and dressed in gray sweatpants and a blue shirt with faded letters that said "Camp Bluefish". I always wore my crappiest clothes to the butcher shop for two reasons. One, I wanted to show the butcher I had zero respect for him and two, if the butcher tried to hurt me with his knife and messed up my clothes,it would be the clothes I don't care about. I found Dad standing in front of the front door,looking like a four year old who's about to go to Disney World. I felt my stomach rumble. " Aren't we having Breakfast?" I asked. "I'm buying bacon at the butcher shop."

Dad and I got to the front of the butcher shop. It was a brown building with a scribbled sign that said "Sal's Butcher Shop". I don't even think Sal is the butcher's real name Dad opened the one hundred year old door that always creaks when you open it. The door had a bell that rung when dad opened. A bald,muscular man appeared behind a wooden counter with stains of blood. Dad and I went Inside.It smelled of sawdust and blood. "Ay Marty." said the guy behind the counter. He was gesturing towards Dad. When he saw me,He glared at me as if I killed his mom or something. Dad looked at the meat behind the see-through freezer. There were all kinds of meats, from steak to turkey and from ham to lamb. However,to me they all looked the same.

"Hey,I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Dad told me. "Wait.." I tried to stop him but he was already headed towards the bathroom door. I looked around at the store. Nobody else was at the store. That wasn't surprising,considering the fact that my dad would be the only one buying meat at 6:30 on Saturday morning. It was just the butcher and I. My first reaction was to run out the door but the butcher ran ahead of me and locked the door before I could get to it. "Perfect.Just Perfect." said the butcher. He clasped his hands together and grinned in a super creepy way. He forcefully grabbed onto my arm and dragged me towards the storage. The storage had chunks of unused meat. Expect they didn't actually look like meat.They looked human bodies. "What the fu.." I didn't finish my sentence because the Butcher interrupted. "Now,Now don't go around cussing. You are only a child." I didn't care. I can't believe I've been a cannibal my whole life. No wonder the meat always tasted weird.The butcher pushed me on to this wooden board and got an ax from the supply room. He took the Ax and swung at my right eye smashing the whole right side of my face. He then went down smashing my ribs.It hurt worse than anything in my life. I felt blood gush through my body as it splattered everywhere. Thank God I was wearing crappy clothes. Then,I don't know what came over me,but I stood up and ran out of the room. The stupid butcher forgot to lock the door. "Hey!" he shouted,chasing me with his ax. Dad was looking at some meat "Hey! Where were y- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?" " "Long story,Dad." I went to a window and tried to unlock the latch but it wouldn't budge.The butcher came closer with his ax. I pulled it harder. No luck. I pulled it even harder. It let go. Yes. I pulled it down and jumped out the window. "Dad" I called. "Get Out." Dad was ignoring me and was still staring at the steaks. "Dad!" I shouted. "Come here! Jump Out!" Dad continued to fail to listen to me. The butcher came and chopped off Dad's head with a clean swing of his ax. It was hard to watch. The butcher greedily took Dad's head and went to the storage room.I don't know what the hell I was going to tell Mom.And I was hungry. I didn't eat at all today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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