The Samsung TV strolls along the short pathway to its house. it feels more down then usual today, as it was bullied at its school, only a 10 minute walk away to its house. The other electronics never treated the TV right. But they were different.., they were perfect without flaws only beautiful. The TV fantasized about the XBox360 and what games they would play. Its daydreams forced the Samsung product to zone out as it bumped into a PS4 walking the controller by. It stumbled scratching its wide screen. The PS4 jumped to help the poor TV up. It graped their hand and was lifted up. Once the TV glanced up, it quickly looked away. "Was this PS4 hotter then XBox360?" it mumbled to itself. The PS4 also looked away quickly with a little red on their face. Only if the Samsung TV could hear what their thinking. The TV thanked them and kept walking to its house. Later, the TV cought itself pondering on how romantic that situation was, "only if PS4 was mine..." It said aloud in its empty house. "Only if."
Samsung TV x PS4
Fanfictionthis story is an incredible live story about two electronics united by one simple game, A hat in Time these two notice the love between them making this romantic drama.