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A young child ran through busy streets with a puppy following at their heels, barking excitedly. They giggled and laughed, weaving through the crowd's legs. The child climbed up on stacked, wooden boxes and stood on shaky legs as they tried to keep their balance. The small Australian Shepherd puppy barked at them from the ground as they looked off into the sea. More and more people gathered at the docks as time went by. A sad feeling grew in the child as no ship appeared over the horizon. They noticed that the crowd was also becoming restless and concerned, even their puppy companion had calmed and layed down by the crates.

"Jeez... Momma and dad were supposed to be back already!" The dog perked up at the sound of the high-pitched voice. They sighed and sat down, their legs tired from standing for too long. Letting out a whimper, the pup sat up and pawed at the child's knee.

"I know, Kioshi, Maybe there was just.. Bad weather!" They brightened up and looked away from their dog, looking back out towards the on-going sea. Then, out of nowhere, a small group of 5 royal guards parted the crowd, making their way to the front. They stood tall and quickly overpowered everybody, the talking quieting down to a soft whisper. The kid stood back up on the crates again to get a better look as the guards spoke up.

"If I may get your attention... We have reached word from our ships out at sea about the Monarch." Hope filled the kid as they heard those words. They happily smiled and slightly jumped.

"But I regret informing you... but the ship was taken down by one of the monsters in the sea... from what we know, nobody has survived. There is going to be a town meeting in the main hall of the palace at sunset." The guard finished with a melancholy tone. They slowly walked back through the crowd.

Tears filled in the little kid's eyes. Their knees shaking, staring in disbelief. Kioshi whimpered and stood up on his hind legs, supported by the crates. Letting out a few sobs the kid desperately stared at the ocean, hoping and begging for the ship their parents were on, the Monarch, would appear in the distance, that it was all a misconception, a mistake.

"Momma... daddy..." They yelled out into the air. They fell to their knees, but the crates weren't fully stable and they tumble to the ground. The child hit the ground with a few thunds, sobbing. Kioshi padded over and licked the salty tears off their face. They cried and screamed for their parents to come help them, to care for them. But no one came.

Art by me! Hope you enjoyed ~

Riptide ~ Jacob holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now