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Well, this race (Japan) was depressing, here's some smut ig. Thanks, charlosfangirl123 for helping us with this, but also not really because you didn't finish it and forced Abie (and Reyrey) to do so. 

The weeks leading up to the race... happened. They were learning to trust each other again. Charles was less skittish, Carlos didn't push him away, and they were both less jealous. It would take awhile to truly be blissful again, but they were taking steps in the right direction. They were finally communicating.

The disappointing results of the race didn't shake them. They leaned on each other, knowing exactly what the other was going through.

Laying back against the headboard, Carlos lifted his arm to let Charles snuggle underneath. Charles' hair was damp from the shower, and water dripped onto Carlos's shirt, but he didn't mind.

They relaxed into each other, watching yet another episode of Psych. When Gus walked on screen wearing a polo and khaki pants, Charles laughed.

"What?" Carlos asked, perplexed.

"You dress exactly like Burton Guster!!" Charles giggled.

"It's called fashion, sweaty, look it up," Carlos said, rolling his eyes, although still smiling fondly.

Charles laughed again, a soft twinkling sound that melted Carlos' heart. He laid a gentle hand under his chin, turning Charles to face him. "I missed you," he said softly, a gentle smile on his face.

Charles blushed, but leaned in to kiss Carlos, short and sweet. "I missed you too."

They leaned back to just look at each other a moment, before Charles reached out to cup Carlos' face, as if not quite believing he was real. Slowly, ever so slowly, Charles' hand moved backwards, gripping the base of Carlos' neck and twisting his fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.

All at once Charles pulled him closer, crashing their mouths together in a desperate kiss. Carlos reciprocated easily, guiding him with a hand on his hip so Charles' fully faced him. Their tongues intertwined, and Carlos eased himself away from the headboard, lying back fully. Charles followed him, leaning his full weight on Carlos' chest. He pulled back briefly, staring down at Carlos with his eyes full of nothing but adoration. His hair fell around his face, framing his sharp features in soft waves. "I love you," Carlos heard himself saying. He worried it was too much for just a moment, but then Charles smiled with a sincerity that made his heart stutter.

"I love you too."

(The part where they explore each other's Netherlands)

Carlos chuckled softly, in wonder of the man above him. He pushed up to lay a gentle kiss on his temple, propping himself up on his elbows. Charles sat above him, straddling his hips, a smile brighter than the sun plastered to his face. Lifting his hand, moving to gently cup Charles's chin, they met in a kiss.

Unexpectedly, Charles took over the kiss, deepening it. His hands found Carlos's broad chest, and he pushed back, wordlessly telling him what he wanted. Carlos obliged, leaning back to lie down fully. Charles cradled Carlos's head with one hand while the other remained trapped between them. Carlos moved to wrap his arms around the other's lithe waist.

Breaking apart for air, only for a second, Charles's megawatt smile morphed into something fond. A mere tug at the corners of his lips which made Carlos's heart ache.

The soft smile only pushed Carlos to want to hold him closer, and he rubbed up and down Charles's sides, hands roaming lower and lower. Charles' previously soft expression started to melt into a fiery gaze of want, and before his mind could process, Carlos could feel Charles's hand move from his chest to meet the other one in his hair. The French man leaned down again, crashing their lips together in a slower, more desperate want.

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