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"Can' t you understand that I am not able to do this and be there for them at the same time Chan ?!"  Those were the words that end it all.

Bang Chan knew that the oldest one is doing the right thing. But it still hurts. It shouldn't hurt that much since he has been in similar situation before. It seems like everytime Chan starts to have deeper feelings for someone... They left him. It was always like that. But for some reason He thought that this time it could be different, that maybe for once this special someone would return their love.

But no.

The pain in his heart is twice bigger than last time. Another person he loved, is leaving him once again.

He should have expected it. The hates the older one received every day where drowning him down and Bang Chan knew it. The health condition of Woojins best friend was  getting worse and worse. That eventually being there for her only when woojin wasn't busy working started  to seems impossible.
And Bangchan knew it.

But he still hoped that it won't lead to this moment...

If You Stayed? - Woochan Where stories live. Discover now