Chapter #1

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                                                                                         Stiles POV

I'm in my room all alone like always ..ever since the nogitsune nobody seems to want to be anywhere near even my dad he doesn't say it but he shoves himself in work so that he doesn't have to come home and the pack just talk to me when they want me to do research or need something other than that they don't even notice me and its pissing me the hell off even Derek he broke up with me and said we could be friends but he doesn't eve look at me I just feel so alone. Me and Danny got close he seems to be the only one that will listen to me ,we talk to Jackson now and then and its nice to know that at least i do have someone. Isaac talks to me but its like he is afraid I don't know of what but he is .i just hope its not from me. I'm dragged out of my daydream by my phone ringing I pick it up ..(Stiles, Scott)



Hey Scott what's up

nothing I need you to research everything you can on hellhounds and I mean everything

I'm sorry man but I got lots to do 

That doesn't matter I'm telling you to do something so do it ,I want it by 6 tonight by the pack meeting 

pack meeting? I wasn't told about this

well it is a PACK meeting and you're human so we don't really need to tell you

right , right yea um ill drop it later

good and don't be late we have news 

So as was told I did the research and then looked at the time it was 5:55 so i had 5 minutes which wasn't a lot of time so I ran to my jeep and speeded to the pack house. When i got there and opened the door everyone looked at me and Scott was fuming. He came up to me and grabbed me by the collar seriously WTH




"How dare you talk back to me! You know what just give me the damn research and leave we have pack things to do"

"you know what NO! i work my ass off why cant you see that ?"

"Because its your fault!!!! YOU KILLED HER ..ITS YOUR FAULT ALLISON IS DEAD!!!"

"th-thats what you think?"


And there it was ..i couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to be here anymore. Danny jumped up from his seat and stood next to me.


"He is no brother of mine. So listen here you no longer talk tot he pack unless its to do with research, we don't need you here so just explain what you got and leave i don't want to see you anymore and if ANYONE would like to join him step up"

Seriously he expects me to still help after this? Is he crazy?!I cant believe this.

"Sorry but if you don't need me i wont come back...come one Danny we aren't needed here and like he said anyone that would like to join come on "After i said that Isaac got up flashed his eyes at Scott to clear himself from the pack and then we got in  my jeep and went to me house. When we got there i started packing. Isaac and Danny came into my room and gave me a questioning look.(s ,i, d)

"I'm sorry guys but i cant stay here anymore its just hell and i have enough of that in my nightmares ,I've been planning this for a while i have an apartment that my mom left me in star city ,I'm going to stay there .I'm leaving Beacon Hills and last time i spoke to Jackson he said he was there now so I'm gonna try to find him too. I know you guys probably don't want to but i would like it if you c-come with me?" I was seriously nervous right now .I didn't wan to lose them.

"Well you said Jackson so you know you got me buddy" We both giggled at that and then i looked at Isaac and he smiled

"You don't even have to ask ill follow my mom anywhere you know that" And then i gave a huge smile for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"Ok, so go home and pack the flight is in the next 3 hours so meet back here at 8 sharp." They nodded and left to pack their things. I sat down while my clothes pack themselves and i mean that literally coz after the nogitsune i found out I'm a spark and Deaton has been helping me control my powers. The only person that knows about it is Danny since everyone was distant i was too scared to say anything juts in case they think I'm a threat.

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