While on our way to the next city, Chicago, Harry and I were all snuggled up in the back of my bus with Pancake while Gemma was on the couch. She stayed behind, but Anne and Robin left to return home. We'd been watching Friends on Netflix all morning.
"By the way, you two have the day to yourselves once we get there. Lou, Lux and I are going sightseeing," Gemma informs us.
"We have plans anyway," I say with a smirk.
Harry shifts from next to me. "We do?"
"I'm getting a tattoo, you can come of you could stay here and be a cat sitter. Up to you."
His eyes widen. "You're getting a tattoo?"
"Yup. And will you be joining me?"
He smiles widely and his eyebrows raise. "I mean, yeah. Sure, why not?"
I smile and kiss his cheek. Gemma makes a gagging noise and I laugh into Harry's neck.
"You two are disgusting."
"Why thank you," I say in a jokingly posh voice.
Once we arrive at the hotel, Harry calls for a car. We research tattoo parlours until security calls us down. Harry slides into the back of the car and makes me sit in the middle seat. The entire ride, my head was on his shoulder and he drew little designs on my arm with his fingers.
I was kind of nervous to get a tattoo. I've been wanting one for a long time though, and last night while I was tracing the birds on Harry's chest I decided I would stop chickening out and get one.
Harry led me into the parlour once we got there. We chatted with the guy some and then I went over to the book of designs that he had. Harry continued chatting with him while I flipped through the pages.
"I have a station ready," a girl comes over to me. "You know what you want?"
I look back at Harry and see that he's completely in conversation with the guy. I turn back to the girl with a smile. "Yeah, I do."
"Follow me," she motions towards the back. "This your first tattoo?"
I sit down in the chair and nod. "It is."
"Alright, well I'm gonna bore you do death with information then because it's required. Where do you plan on getting the tattoo?"
"My wrist," I answer.
She goes into details about how to take care of the tattoo, what my skin might do as a reaction, and other safety things. I fill out paperwork and hear buzzing on the other side of the curtain next to us and I wonder if Harry's getting another tattoo.
Once I show her what I want, she gets started right away. She gets a stencil and places it, making sure it's what I want. Once that's done, she starts on it. It's really painful at first, but after a minute or two it just feels funny with shoots of pain here and there. I sit back in the chair and relax as much as I can without thinking about the needle stabbing ink into my skin.
"Alright," she says after I don't know how long. The tattoo is done. "This is probably going to be just as painful."
She cleans it off and my skin starts to sting. I cringe and she chuckles slightly. I look at my wrist and smile. She starts to wrap it up and reminds me of how to take care of it.
"I'm surprised," she says as I stand up. "You took that really well. Usually first timers shed a few tears."
"It hurt at first but then it wasn't that bad," I shrug.
She hands me the after care directions and smiles at me. "Alright, the guy you came in with already paid so you're good to go."
"Thank you!"
I walk out to the front and Harry's in a waiting chair, scrolling through something on his phone. Once he sees me he stands up and slips his phone in his pocket. "You ready to go?"
I nod and he smiles. He sees my wrapped wrist and reaches for the other hand. He brings it up to his mouth and kisses it before we head out of the building.
"Julian is here and he's all set up for you to record," he informs me as we get into the car. "We're going to pick up some pizza for everybody and then head over."
He climbs into the back seat and I turn to him. "Did you get something?"
"Not this time. I don't have anything in mind at the moment. What did you end up getting?"
"You'll see when I take the gauze off later tonight," I smile.
"It's an anchor, isn't it?"
My eyebrows furrow in confusion and he looks away from the front to look at me. He smiles, then holds out his hand for me to take. "How did you-"
"You're my girlfriend. Believe it or not, I know you pretty well. I know anchors mean a lot to you because of your dad, so that was my first guess."
"What was your second guess?"
"My face."
I roll my eyes and shove his arm slightly. "You're unbelievable."
He smiles and shrugs. "But you love me."
I sit back in my seat and relax. I then lift Harry's hand to my lips and kiss his knuckles. "That I do. Still not sure why, though."
He sticks his tongue out at me and tells the driver to turn on the radio. We end up stopping by Starbucks on the way to the hotel (it was Harrys idea, surprisingly). We get the pizzas and then head back. When we eventually do get to the hotel, we fight through the crowd outside and go up to the top floor in the elevator. We take the pizza into Liam's room, where everybody else is, and eat with them before heading down the hall.
Julian is waiting in our room, glancing down at his computer. When he hears us enter he stands up and smiles, greeting us with hugs.
"So I have exciting news."
"Yay, I love exciting news!" I laugh and sit down on the bed. Harry had disappeared down he hall briefly, probably to talk to the boys for another minute.
"Since the last time you were in session with me, I wrapped up your two collaborations for the album."
I smile and clap. "Yes! That's very exciting. Can I hear them?"
"Well of course," he smiles. "It is your music, after all."
Harry comes back in and sits next to me, grabbing my hand in his. Julian does some scrolling on his laptop and double clicks after a minute. Music starts to play and I smile excitedly. I love hearing the finished product of my songs, it makes all the long nights of trying to write totally worth it.
We listen to "We Own the Night" featuring Pixie Lott and I immediately fall in love with it. It had turned out really amazing. It was definitely going to be album. I could argue anybody on that.
He then plays Intuition and Harry gets up and starts dancing like an idiot. I secretly film some of it, laughing quietly. I couldn't do anything with the video until my album comes out, but I have it and that's all that matters.
Once were done listening to the two songs, I start recording. Harry puts on headphones too, so he can listen with Julian. We decide to return to working on Bang Bang Bang. Eventually Julian decides that we have enough audio and that he can finish it later. He has me immediately start another, titled Undercover.
This album is definitely different. I'm not bitter about a past relationship in like all the songs this time. I was writing more about love this time.
And I was writing more about Harry this time.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...