Beach Date 🏖️

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Today I'm getting ready for my surprise date with Ohm. I don't know where he is taking me. I tried to ask him but he said it's a surprise. I quickly went outside... when I reached towards Ohm he was standing there leaning against his car looking so hot as always in casuals. Making me proud for having such a heartthrob boyfriend. As I go near him he checked me out like a pervert. Then suddenly pinned me on his car while placing his hands on each side of car locking me.

"Ready for our date boyfriend" he said with a smirk and quickly gave me a peck on my lips..... honestly I'm not shocked at all because it's his daily routine. He ran his hand through his hair and open the car door for me like a gentlemen. I just sighed and sat inside he quickly got into his car and we drove away from my house.

"Atleast give me a little hint about that place where are we going" I asked whining like a child making him chuckled lightly at my childish behavior. Seriously I just want make him smile by my stupid behavior.

An hour later we reached our destination... I'm am getting off from his car but he grabbed my wrist and said it's a surprise.... so he blindfolded me with a silk red ribbon. I am very excited for his surprise he is leading the way for me. After few more steps he stopped me and removed the ribbon from my eyes. When the blindfold removed.... I got stunned by the beautiful view infront of me.

"Oh my God it's so beautiful" I said admiring the beach decoration I got very overwhelmed

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"Oh my God it's so beautiful" I said admiring the beach decoration I got very overwhelmed. I had never thought that my life would become so colorful after his arrival.

He is standing behind me while wrapping his arms around my stomach... I quickly turned around and hugged him tightly my eyes got filled with tears in my life I had never experienced such things.

"Thank you so much for coming into my life Ohm... Thankyou so much for spoiling me too much.... for treating me like a king. Thanks a lot for loving me unconditionally.....I love you" I said sobbing while nuzzling into his neck.

"Oh my God why are you crying my little baby...I should be the one thanking you for making my life full of fill so many colors in my dull dwell in me and my heart like life" he said while tearing up he broke the hug and kneel down infront of me. He quickly take out a blue velvet ring box from his pocket.

"So Nanon Korapat kirdapan will you be my first one and last one forever" He said while picking the Ring from the box and extend it infront of me.

"Yes I will" I said chuckling he quickly put the ring on my finger and kissed my hand making me blush.


They both were  enjoying their date in each other's warm embrace admiring the beautiful view infront of them while giggling and teasing eachother.

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