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My name is Park Chaeyoung

I'm twenty years old But I'm not like girls my age

If I am beautiful, I am not attractive at all.. I already know that

I'm just an empty person

I don't feel anything often

I don't have a dream I want to achieve like everyone else

I am neither miserable nor miserable,It's something worse than unhappiness

I don't want to be with anyone

I always keep running But I'm so lonely and I find myself in need of someone

I need you only.

I don't know myself and I can't control me, And no actual reaction

This is probably why people are turning away from me.

I try to be funny and think positive And I see and see the world in a better way...

But I always end up every night staring at the dark wall of my room

I am neither a good nor a bad person

I don't know who I am and I know where I come from and why?

I feel like I don't belong when I'm at home

between my family


Even my body

I see no reason to live in all this emptiness...

But it is not a reason to die either

All days are the same and miserable

Even about having something I wanted so badly

I feel depressed and I  hope it didn't happen

Because I am afraid of that feeling that will come after the disappearance of that happiness

I'm afraid there won't be anything to seek after

I haven't been happy since that day

the day you left me.

The writer says:

This story is more than just a love story and is deeper, It's a feeling I've experienced myself and I've been able to overcome, maybe not quite but I'm fine
This is a message from me because I know that there is someone who sees himself as 'chaeong' between my lines, So I hope that you can all move forward and continue no matter what the circumstances you are in and surely everything will be fine someday 💟.

Translated story, all rights belong to the author  @_-SK13-_

and to me as a translator

I loved this story very much and I translated it to share it in a wider environment, I hope the readers can benefit from it <3

Be Fine 🍓

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