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Optimistic is word used to describe Someone like me. Someone who is hopeful for the future despite the past. Quirkless, bullied, but still optimistic. When I think back on it my life has being pretty terrible. Not only was my dad never in the picture but my best friend since I was born is now the reason I want to die. We'll wanted to die... on top of the very big pile of burning crap that is my life my idol and reason for living told me to give up on my only dream. I've since realized that jumping off some random rooftop in the dead of night is not going to make things better. The only thing I have now is hope. I can only look forward and hope for a better future. I'll do whatever it takes to prove them all wrong. I'll be a hero and not just any hero the number one hero.

"Don't forget your lunch!" Mom yells from the top of the mahogany steps flaunting my all might themed lunch box. Only two hours until the yuei exams! I think to myself leaping up the stairs and back down with bounds of bottled up excitement.

"I love you son!" My mom calls as I leave the house, anticipation coursing through my veins. This is my one shot at getting into the school of my dreams.

"I don't care if I'm quirkless anymore, it won't stop me!" I tell myself as I strut down the streets with a confidence I've never know. I can do this I reassure myself as I grow closer to Yuei. That is until a tall figure hooded in black entered my peripheral from just around the corner in front of me. At first I didn't pay it any mind, but my heart immediately started to quicken as if trying to tell me something. Although they look to be just a passerby as I walk closer I can't help this feeling in my gut.

"Hey!" They call out to me, now just a few steps away. They start walking closer closing the gap. I instinctively start to back away.

"H-hi um who are you..?" I asked still backing away from the dark figure. From what I can see they are tall wearing a black sweatshirt and black pants. Their face is hidden within the hood but I make out the Color of black hair and empty blue eyes.

"Oh that isn't important. I think I'll be asking the questions from here on Kay?" Their voice changing from cheerful to frightening mid sentence. Abruptly my back hits a wall in my attempt to back away. I frantically look around to find an empty street not harboring even a soul.

"Come back" I plead in my head to whomever left me deserted on this street.

"It's ok. Im not here to hurt you, so don't even think about running..." he stares me dead in the eyes now only inches away from my face.

"Ok..." I whimper out, refusing eye contact.

"Great isn't that easy? Now are you here by chance for the UA exams??" He questions me in a stern but friendly voice changing his demeanor once again. His hands start to rest on the side of my head and next to my waist planted on the wall, entrapping me. I look up at him unsure of what to say.

"Um yes that's correct." I say not knowing why he's asking me these strange questions.

"Great we'll it's your lucky day! How about you come with me and I make you a hero on the spot." He says closing the already small distance between us. I look down and think about the situation I'm in. This is just too suspicious to be real. Obviously I can't trust him. And why is he so close anyways? This can't be right. Asking me to be a hero but he doesn't even care about my quirk, or lack there of? I glance down at his hand which is now so close it's brushing up against my waist. I look back up only to meet his cold dead stare now millimeters away from my own face.

"No sir, I-I'll have to pass. I'm really going to be late so if I can just-" as I try to step away he blocks me in with both his arms at either side of my body.

"Hey now don't make this difficult...Just come with me ok." He said grabbing my wrist to drag me to god knows where. I try to resist but his grip just tightens.

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