Nightmares- Itto x Gorou

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Caregiver: Itto
Little: Gorou (little age 4)

Cw: mentions of biting and reference to fighting
Gorou whimpered and clutched onto Itto tightly. Being a war general, Gorou often got nightmares about previous battles he had fought, everything in vivid detail. Another horrific image flashed through his mind and he let out a pained yelp.

Itto awoke from his own dream to find his boyfriend clinging to his chest and whimpering in pain. He lept into action and held the other close, rubbing his back and soothing him.

"There there pup everything's ok." He whispered softly.

Gorou snapped awake instantly and in a panic bit Itto's arm. The oni winces but continues reassuring the other.

After a few minutes, he snapped out of it and Gorou looked up at Itto. Itto smiled softly but he just burst into tears.

"Hey come on pup it's ok."

"I hurt papa." The now obvious little looked up at Itto with big puppy eyes, lip quivering.

"Oh puppy you didn't hurt me. Papa is big and strong remember!" Itto flexed his muscles in an attempt to cheer up Gorou, the little giving a soft giggle.

"Did you have another nightmare pup?" Itto asked.

Gorou nodded and pressed himself closer into Itto's chest. The warmth of his skin always helped calm him down.

"I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it my love?"

The little nodded.

"Well how about we go get you some warm milk? Would you like that puppy?" Itto asked.

Gorou's face immediately lit up and he scrambled to get off the bed.

Itto chuckled and led his little to the kitchen where Gorou sat on the counter whilst the milk warmed up.

"Papa i wan taro."

Itto kisses his nose and went to get the small shiba plushie from their room. Gorou immediately gripped it tight, pressing his face deep into the soft fabric.

Once the milk was ready, they climbed back into bed. Gorou rested his head on Itto's chest and drank it, Itto's arms wrapped protectively around him. Soon, he grew tired and itto tucked them both under the covers again.

"I've got you pup. Nothing can hurt you ok?"

"Yes. Thank you papa I love you."

"I love you too puppy."

Itto kisses the other on the forehead before they both fell asleep in each others arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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