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You might be wondering how such a dislikable scum bag might have became best friends with a guy like Greyson after the way he treated him in high-school.

Spoiler alert it wasn't easy, not for Jacob, and definitely not for Greyson.

Their friendship started with a simple insta dm. "It's me Jacob from football. I wanted to apologize to you for the way I acted in high-school. Please let me explain everything."

This got Greyson's attention. But what was in that letter that would change Greyson's views about Jacob and why did Jacob even bother? And why now 3 years after graduation. Why not sooner? Why EVER?

Author's note- I'm mentally ill rn so if this doesn't live up to STL i'm sorry. I needed to write this for myself so I could explain some things from Softer Than Lavender.

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