-Chapter one- Archers turn

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There was a feeling of excitement and adventure in breaking the rules and entering the forbidden forest .

Every kid in town had been strictly forbidden from entering the forest after a young girl called Jane Foster died there 3 years ago after getting lost and breaking her leg, they say when she was found it looked like she was still alive, breathing heavily, but upon closer inspection it was a swarm of flies and maggots under her dress making it looked as if she was breathing

"Come on Jack no kids ever got this far before" Benjamin called.

Benjamin Archer known as just Archer to his friends was a short and skinny 12 year old, his mother and father had died when he was just 4 years old in a suspicious house fire.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Jack asked

"Yes now come on" Archer replied

Jack Stow was Archer's best friend, just as short as Archer but his belly was 4 times the size, he and Archer had been best friends since the age of 4 when Jack had been rescued by Archer from the Drumun twins who were 6 at the time, two brothers who were intent on causing those smaller than them misery and pain.

They made their way through the dark woods until they came to a clearing.

"Look, there it is" Archer exclaimed, pointing at a large derelict building in the middle of the clearing.

"No ones going to believe we found it" Jack replied, his mouth and eyes wide open in disbelief that they'd actually made it to the abandoned factory.

"That's why we bought the camera you idiot, now start taking some photos " Archer said

Jack rummaged around in his bag and pulled out a compact digital camera with dents and scratches over it, he started to take pictures of the factory, Archer posing and pointing.

"Can you get one of me and the factory" Jack asked

"Yeah sure" Jack tossed the camera to Archer, as he pushed the button to take the photo a flash of lightning lit up the dull gray sky, Jack jumped out of his skin and the resulting photo had Archer in stitches.

"Come on, it's not funny that scared the hell out of me!" The wind suddenly picked up and another flash lit up the sky once again.

"We should head to the factory for shelter before the rain starts" Archer said to Jack

"No I think we should head back, come on Archer we've seen it I'd rather not be stuck in an abandoned factory during a lightning storm"

Another bolt of lightning struck illuminating the sky, rain started to fall, Archer started to run towards the factory and as he always did Jack followed. Bolts of lightning continued to strike but there was something different about them,

"Did you see that?" Archer yelled towards Jack

Another bolt came crashing down glowing bright green this time hitting the ground, they got to the fence surrounding the factory they clambered over dropping to the ground on the other side.

Jack pointed to the sky above the factory, Archer turned his head skyward to see a lightshow of lightning bolts of; Blue, red, yellow, green, purple and so many more colours, it looked beautiful until a bolt struck next to the two boys reminding them they were in the middle of the forbidden forest in a crazy lightning storm.

They climbed into the factory through a broken window,

"We'll be safe in here" Archer said

They moved forward past broken creates and dusty machinery into the factory, Archer suddenly stopped and Jack bumped into his back,

"Ouch! Why did you..." Archer put his hand over Jack's mouth and guesterd to him to be quiet, Archer pointed to something just around the corner, Jack crept forward and took a look at what it was.

A group of men were gathered on the large factory floor, dressed in dark clothing many of them were carrying guns, one of the men who was better groomed and dressed than the rest climbed up onto one of the creates and spoke,

"My friends the time is almost upon us, all of us have lost something dear to us at the hands of the Eternals, but tonight they will be eternal no more!"

The crowd cheers raising their guns in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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