Chapter 81: From Zero To Hero!

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The stadium seats within the plumber's base begin to slowly be filled with cadets, officers and veterans as they take their seats.  They whisper and murmur among themselves, wondering why Commander Rook had called for an emergency gathering of every cadet in the base.

"Hey, what's with the sudden announcement?  Thought this stadium was only reserved for the seniors' final tests."  The cadets asked among themselves.

"Don't know, just got debrief from Commander Rook himself, saying all plumbers, cadets or veterans to the stadium immediately."

"Same here."

"Wonder if it's some big shot seniors fighting this year."

"Their tests aren't for at least another 6 or 7 months from now though..."

"Maybe it's someone graduating early?"

"But look around, usually only officers attend senior's tests.  There's some newbies here as well, not just the officers..."

"Whatever's going on, it must be pretty serious for Commander Rook to call everyone here..."

"Hey look, up there!" A cadet yelled as he pointed to the booth across from them.

Devlin, Evelyn, Kevin, Gwendolyn, and Ben with Azmuth on his shoulder all take their seats up high on the booth seats.

"It's Ben 10,000!"

"And not just him either!  It's Magister Kevin and Gwendolyn Levin, the leader of the Rooters and the Grandmaster of the Mystic Arts!"

"Is that Azmuth up there too!?"

"Oh man, whatever this is; it's gotta be huge enough for those big guys to show up!"


"Evelyn..." Devlin muttered as he looked over to Evelyn. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? What that bastard did to you...?"

"I... I just... I..." Evelyn muttered as she struggled to keep eye contact.

"If you told me sooner, I would've beaten his ass into the ground until he cried like a baby!" Devlin said as he punched his palms.

"Language Devlin." Gwendolyn stated firmly.

"Sorry mom, it's just...!" Devlin replied as he clenched his fists. "Evelyn, I'm your big brother, I'm supposed to protect you from people like that! We're all supposed to protect each other...! How could you not trust me or mom or dad enough to tell them what happened!?"

"I know... I'm sorry... B-but he was your friend... a-and I know how popular he is at the academy... I was scared that... That you wouldn't believe me... That you guys would think that I was lying..." Evelyn replied. "I thought... I thought you guys would take his side over mine..."

"Oh honey..." Gwendolyn replied as she embraced Evelyn. "My precious little angel... Nothing in this world could ever make us take anyone's side but yours..."

"We'd do anything to protect you princess, you know that." Kevin added as he patted Evelyn's head.

"Eve, we may not get along at times; but you know that you can rely on me, no matter what, right?" Devlin asked.

"But now... Because of me, Ren's...." Evelyn replied as she started to cry. "He was only trying to protect me... And now..."

"Ren will be fine." Ben assured. "He's a lot tougher than he looks. The first time we met him on Vilgohdon, he used your big strong dad over here as a rag doll."

"Says the guy who got headbutted by a kid." Kevin replied.  "Before we got those crystals off his hands, he whooped you good Ben."

"Whatever man. Don't worry Evelyn, Ren's got this in the bag." Ben replied.  "You get a chance to talk to him at all?"

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