Chapter one- What Happened To Our Family?

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Andreas view

I've always wondered why things happen, however I can never figure out why.
There's questions i have that have empty answers the deeper I look, I recently lost my father due to poisoning of a suspicious flower, oleander. I keep wondering why and how he got the flower as we are from ohio.

Nerium oleander is only found in the Mediterranean region, including northern Africa, southern Europe and South East Asia but again, we are from ohio. I loved my father but he was abusive to me and my brother so bad to the point Jackson moved out at one point. I really can't put my finger on what went down, the only people with my father before his passing was my mother and brother i was at school, yet of them claim they don't know what happened.

Early Morning
"Get up its time for school you have 20 minutes andie" Jackson yells from the other room. As I can barely open my eyes I sigh and get up to get dressed, I had asked him the night before to get me up an hour before now because its school picture day. I finish getting dressed and get one some makeup and start packing my bookbag as i hear footsteps behind me I push my black hair in front of my face in an attempt to hide the makeup from Jackson. Anytime I wear makeup Jackson makes me remove it because he says it makes me look trashy I feel lovely when I wear it he just doesn't understand.
"Let me see your face." Jackson states in a stern tone. "Why?" I politely reply.
He proceeds to yank my head up by my chin and pulling my hair up hard. "I told you, you are not wearing that slutty stuff in this house!" He screams into my face while wiping it with his finger. Ill never understand, father always said I looked beautiful when I wore it, I just want to be able to hold onto his words in my own home. "I'm sorry let me remove it please, I promise I will if you allow me" I say calmly.
"You better you didn't last time, mother said you have to listen to me and Quincil while shes gone, do you understand?" He whispers into silent screaming still with a death grip on my chin. I simply nod my head as he lets go, I walk over to my dresser and start applying the remover while he watches me with his arms crossed glaring at me as if I disrespected him.

On the way to school he's speeding, my heart is racing, last time he was this mad we wreaked. He then told mother he wished i died she just laughed and shrugged. She claims it's sibling love but I doubt her beliefs on that, since dad died all his anger has been taken out on me and it's like I'm his personal punching bag.
"Get out we're here." Jackson exclaims rudely, i get out grab my bag then before i fully shut the door he speeds off.
I make my way inside the school and see my best friend Gabriella, shes been there for me since kindergarten.
"Hey Andie! I seen Max and Skylar go in earlier I think he went to our table, can we go join them?" I nod then we make our way down the hallway. The teachers all look at me with pity, they all knew my dad from conferences, meeting and he was coach of the football team.
We met up with the guys then separated to head to class before the bell rings.
The school day drags on class by class, I don't go to lunch so I stay in the art room.
After school Jackson was nowhere to be found in the parking lot, so I hopped on the bus to go home.

After the bus ride home

"Have a great afternoon Mr Derrick" I say to the bus driver while going down the bus stairs. I hear the doors close behind me as I look at my home. This is it. I thought as I walked up to the door and pushed it open.
"Where the hell have you been Andrea. I called you an hour ago" my drunk mother exclaims in anger. "I took the bus because Jackson forgot to pick me up, and I don't have a phone you took it three months ago remember?" I ask her in a calm, polite tone.
"Oh yeah, I remember. I guess that's what you get for googling stuff you shouldn't google" she laughs. I was only researching my fathers death, it was so sudden. Why do I get punished for being curious? I say in my thoughts.
"Hey bitch, you weren't there when I pulled up I thought maybe you were gone for sure this time" Jackson laughs out while hitting his joint. Considering last time I got in a car with a stranger I almost died, I would never do that again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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