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It was July 15, 1968. Olivia was in her room laying on the bed and reading To Kill A Mockingbird which most seven year old kids woudn't even be reading but Olivia was different. She was quite intelligent for as young as she was mature which her mother had said she got from her father of whom she rarely spoke of though has said that the young girl has his captivating blue eyes, lips, nose and southern accent. Olivia looked up from the page she was reading at her mother entering the room, the adult sighing at seeing what her daughter was reading.

"Olivia, why don't you read a kids book? That book is for teenagers and adults." Julia said

"But mom, this one is interesting and it gives important life lessons." Olivia was now sitting up and placed a bookmark in between the pages before closing the book

"If you say so....I just came to tell you that your uncle Roger and aunt Helen are coming over to visit." Julia leaned against the door and showed a small smile

Olivia groaned and fell backwards onto the bed. "Mom....uncle Roger ignores me and aunt Helen treats me like I'm stupid." She huffed in annoyance

Most of the members of her family weren't very nice to her due to Olivia not being like other kids. They'd shun her, treat her like an outcast, a pest. A good for nothing brat. They wouldn't even celebrate holidays or birthdays with her

Julia frowns at seeing Olivia's reaction and rubbed the back of her neck. " about we meet up with them at the diner around the corner?"

Olivia shook her head. "No, I'm not going." She simply said, being completely stubborn

"You can't stay home by yourself, Olivia. You're only seven." Julia had now walked towards the bed and sat down on the edge

"That hasn't stopped me before when you'd have to leave town for work or if uncle Frank and aunt Lily had to babysit. I can take care of myself just fine, I even know how to get on the bus! And not just the school bus!" Olivia argued. She wasn't going and her mind was set on it

Julia sighed in defeat before standing up and walking to the door. She stopped at hearing her daughter ask something. Something that gave her goosebumps

"Why can't I see my dad?"

Julia glanced over her shoulder at the little girl who looked at her with glossy eyes and a rather sad expression painted on her face. "Liv, your father doesn't even know you exist. And I doubt he'd even want you, who would? He's busy with the life he has anyway."

Olivia jumped down from the bed and approached her mother. "Can you at least tell me his name? Where he lives? All I want is to meet him and maybe even get to know him." She pleaded, folding her hands and shook them in a begging way. Perhaps he would be the only person in the family who'd love and appreciate her

Julia shook her head and without another word left the room, the sound of her high heels fading as she went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Olivia thought silently to herself, her face lighting up at getting a brilliant idea. As quiet as she could be, the young girl made her way to her mother's room and looked in a shoe box that was underneath the bed that contained important papers. She dug through the stack of papers and stopped when she found her birth certificate, her eyes skimming over the document

"Elvis Presley? This must be a mistake." She muttered to herself. But if Elvis really was her dad, wouldn't her mom have told her? Nah, adults like to keep secrets

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