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You could hardly hear your own thoughts over the crowded streets of your new home, New York City. The sun was going to set soon, night would arrive soon after. Many shifts were finally ending, people heading home to have dinner with their families. Or maybe with friends, or maybe by themselves. Unfortunately, that last one currently applied to you. 

It's not like you've never been to a city before. But all of the excitement gets immediately drained out of them whenever you actually live there. The dirty roads, the annoying people, basically anything could seem like a nuisance when you aren't having the most fantastic day. And after your big move, those fantastic days aren't rolling in as often as you would hope. 

It's November, a little late to start the school year. But you wouldn't be the only one to join class at this time of the year. But no matter how hard you try, no one seems to gravitate towards you. At all. As days pass, making friends falls further and further out of the picture. But, you've begun to come to terms with it. Making your way through junior year without anyone else wasn't such a hard task. More time for studying, you continue to convince yourself. As if studying was ever a difficult thing to squeeze in between fun activities.

As you continue to tread forward, your hands in your hoodie pockets, you take note of the fog forming from your mouth each time you took a breath. They say it's colder than usual, this year. Lucky for you, you just bought a new article of clothing that you'll be glad to wear for an extended amount of time. You're wearing it right now, a slightly over-sized green hoodie, a nice shade, with the name of your favorite artist on it. Making it clear what your interests are will liken the chances of you encountering someone with similar tastes.

You stare at your feet as you continue to walk, somewhat zoning out as your pace quickens. You're almost to your family's apartment, where you live with your parents. They won't be there tonight, too busy. But they promised to bring something home tomorrow for you to all enjoy together.

The crowds around you begin to diminish as people arrive at their destinations, but the occasional cars still make their way past you. But the overall traffic seems to have already come and gone. 

You step a foot forward to make a turn on the sidewalk's curb, when you suddenly hear something from a small, empty area near you. You slowly turn your head to gaze at the alley on your side. You're very hesitant, not sure if you should investigate the sound. Maybe it's because you aren't a true New Yorker, yet... but you make your way in the opposite direction of your home. 

Before you poke your head in, you hear the voice of a younger girl, "Uhm, Mayhem? This is not where we're supposed to be!" Oh, so it's just someone who's lost. Who also was lead into an alley while somehow thinking that an alley was the correct pathway to the place they need to be. Finally, you bring yourself to fully look into the dark hall.

There's two figures down the path, but they're very different. One incredibly familiar girl, she looks to be around your age, and a strange... dog? Fox? Was being held in her arms. It's so silent, when the girl sighs, you nearly jump out of surprise, "Oh, I see. Guess we'll have to eat something to help regain your energy when we get there. Alright, we can walk," She informs the animal. Walk, as if they weren't already doing as so?

But before you can process anything, the both of them are already headed in your direction. You take a step backwards in an attempt to exit before you're spotted, only to stumble and fall onto the hard concrete walkway, "(Y/N)?" You hear your own name being called. Your head snaps upward, wide-eyed as you make eye contact with the person standing above you. Her animal companion sits wearily on her left shoulder. 

"Are you okay?" The girl asks, reaching a hand to help you up before you can manage to say a single word, "Y-Yeah..." You mumble out as you're lifted back to your feet, "What are you doing out here? Falling into random shaded alleys, I mean."

"Oh I just... heard a noise and went to investigate," You tell her truthfully. She gives you a nervous smile, "Whoa, I don't recommend doing that, anymore! And just trust me on that, you do not want to learn about the reason," You nod your head cautiously in understanding. You look away for a brief moment before finally deciding to rip off the band-aid. 

"I'm sorry, who are you?" You internally cringe after asking such a question. But the girl doesn't seem bothered. She points a finger up as she talks, "You know, I don't think I ever told you my name. I'm April, April O'Neil. I helped you that one time when you dropped all that blank printing paper on your way to the office," You blink as you suddenly remember where you've seen her face from before. You finished a small workbook before the others in class, because your teachers for some reason find them to be more efficient than actually teaching anything, and were then sent out to complete a dangerous quest. So dangerous, in fact, that a nice girl passing by in the hallway had to reach down to help you.

You give April a quick grin, "Oh, thank you! I remember, now! Well, I guess you already know, but I'm (Y/N)... (Y/N) (L/N), if you must know," The two of you both reach your hands forward, meeting with a formal handshake. You weren't really sure if that's something people usually do upon meeting each other, but it happened. After the shake, April pats the head of the animal on her shoulder, who looks like its about to fall asleep, "And this is my- erm- cat, Mayhem. He's had a rough day, though. Just don't bring it up to him," She adds the last part more quietly, giving you a quick wink. 

"Oh, wow, nice to meet you Mayhem," You say nervously into his direction. No response, his eyes drooping fully closed. You stand, silently watching him for a moment. You open your mouth to try and resume the conversation but April does it for you, "Welp! Gotta go! Friends are throwing me a party, y'know. Can't be late!" She rushes out, trying to not make the air awkward, "A party?" You question. April's eyes flash with something that you can't quite recognize.

"Yeah, a party..." She trails, seemingly brewing up with something inside her mind, "It's for my birthday. You... wanna come?" You're slightly taken aback by the offer, not expecting this encounter to lead to you partying instead of eating a microwave dinner alone at home, "Birthday? I can come?" You try not to sound too excited, but if April remembers you from school, she probably knows that you don't get social interaction very often. But she just happily nods her head, "Yeah! You can meet my closest friends. Might even consider them my brothers?" She tries to convince you, but you're already sold.

"Uhm, well, I don't really see why not! And... Happy birthday, by the way," You exclaim. April smirks at your agreement, "Thanks!" She looks past your shoulder, down the street that you were previously about to turn on, "They'll be waiting for us by the docks. I'm not being told what they have planned... But from what I'm assuming... Well, I hope you're okay with getting splashed by a bit of water."

You nod your head at her with a slight smile, "No problem, I don't mind at all," You kind of did, a bit. It was a cold night, and you'll probably end up walking home in the dark by yourself. And your apartment was pretty far from any water areas, no matter which docks April is mentioning. 

Hm, maybe agreeing to go to a party with a near stranger right before dark wasn't the best idea... But she was nice, and it was kind of her to invite you. You couldn't turn her down on her birthday! And it's not like you could've come up with any plans of your own that could turn out any more fun than whatever you're about to head to.

April begins to lead the way down the quiet roads, making sure you never fall behind. You're watching her closely whenever she turns her head slightly to look at you, "By the way-" April gently points a finger at your clothes, "-I love their music!"

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