Love Can Come When You Least Expect it Part 1

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Over thousands of years ago there were the nine realms, and over the course of those years many kingdoms have fallen and risen. Two in particular have been in constant war with each other, Asgard and Ruinia. Both kingdoms have conversed with their advisers and have come to an agreement to combine three kingdoms. As a result of this decision, the allfather Odin agreed to have Thor, god of Thunder, marry Gaia, goddess of the earth and the lady of Ruinia kingdom. As we watch the story unfold will Gaia keep to her responsibilities or follow her heart and do what's right for her kingdom?

***200 years before, in the kingdom Ruinia***

"Hahah you'll never catch me brother." Gaia sang as she ran through the castle with her brother hot on her tail.

"You may be faster but i'm smarter." Tyr yelled back before he disappeared, being the god of war he was very cunning in the art of defeat. But as he ran to catch his younger sister she was nowhere to be found, so he went to find her. The one place he knows to look first is the garden where their mother spends the most time. He could hear his sisters laugh even before seeing them in the garden.

"Now now my little flower, all in due time will you learn the proper flowers to heal. but for now i think you better run if you don't want your brother to come after you." As soon as their mother spoke Tyr came out from the shadows and ran towards his sister.

"I found you!" Tyr yelled.

"But you haven't caught me." Gaia quickly held her hands out to create a wall of view so that her brother couldn't get past.

"That's not fair, not all of us can grow things out of our hands." Tyr crankily cried out.

"Battle isn't always fair my dear boy. Your sister learned that quickly and used her skills to acclimate to her opponent and her surroundings." Their father Kvair spoke with a prideful gleam in his eyes at his kids.

"Let's take a walk." They all walked towards the village.

***Once the song ends***

"One day all this will be yours and you will be ruling the kingdom." Kvair said to his kids, Even though he knew they didn't understand.

***To the present***

***Gaia getting ready for her day during the song***

***Once the song ends***

"Hello father, brother." Gaia spoke while walking into the throne room.

"I thought you weren't going to get up." Tyr said, smiling while standing close to his fathers throne.

"I need my beauty sleep so I don't look like you, my dear brother." Gaia said back smirking.

"Enough children, Odin and his sons will be arriving shortly and as such you will have to be here when he arrives. Which means that you must go do your daily duties. Try to review our battle strategies as well as command the new recruits. Gaia you will go into town and advise our people, listen to their struggles and concerns." Both children nodded and bowed to their king. As they left the throne room Tyr pulled his sister aside.

"What's wrong Tyr?" Gaia said skeptically, she turned to face her brother fully.

"There are rumors going around that you are to marry Thor, that your marriage will ensure that there are no more wars between our kingdoms. That we will be united." Tyr said to his sister.

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