Letters To The Fallen

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Summary: Levi mourns the death of his friends, and writes up a final farewell to each of them.

Dear Eld,
As my second-in-command, you were a strong soldier. Though you were rather withdrawn at times, I noticed the way you reached out to your comrades when they needed it and for that, I hold great respect for you. Your strength will not go unnoticed or unappreciated. I remember when I first got you onto my squad. You were a bit strict on yourself every time you did something a bit wrong. After a couple years, your strength evened out in all areas and skyrocketed from there. If only I had turned back... You were killed because of my wrong decision to break off. If I could speak with you again, I would tell you that it had nothing to do with strength and anyone in that situation would've been struck down. You were one of the most brave and strong soldiers I have ever had the opportunity to work with, and I will miss you greatly. Thank you for offering me your trust and your strength. You were not only my comrade, but my friend. My family. I will always miss you.

Captain Levi

Dear Auruo,
You were only nineteen, and yet your strength rivaled even our best soldiers. You were well-aware of that, weren't you? I'll miss that cocky attitude of yours. It's much too solemn and boring here without it. I'm sorry for leaving you to fight the Female Titan. I'm sorry that I couldn't save any of you. I know that through your arrogant personality, you were one of the most kindhearted and gentle people in the walls. Knowing that you had six little siblings completely breaks my heart, because knowing that it's my fault you won't get to see them grow up is earth-shattering. You were much too young to die. It's my fault now that you will never marry, never have children, never be able to do so many things you deserved. I miss you very much, and I hope you're happy now, wherever you are. You were almost like a little annoying brother that I still loved anyways. Thank you for granting the Survey Corps amazing strength and potential. Thank you for fighting as best you could. Thank you for trusting me, even though I let you down. See you around, hopefully.

Captain Levi

Dear Gunther,
You went in the most horrible way, in my opinion. Sorry for not signaling you to move away from the area sooner. Being murdered, no matter how quickly, is just... I've seen so much of it growing up and knowing that you died that way kills me inside. You had so much potential. You didn't deserve to die. Not so soon, at least. You were strong, intelligent, trustworthy, and somehow easy to get along with. I miss you. You weren't only my brother-in-arms, but you were my brother as in family. I'm sorry for letting you die. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I will always miss you and always regret not stopping your death. You were one of the best soldiers ever to set foot outside the walls and had potential that can't be put to use anymore. I'll never get to see your face subtly light up like it used to. I suppose that's why they say you never know the value of something until it's gone. Thank you for all you offered to me and to humanity. Goodbye Gunther, I hope I see you someday.

Captain Levi

Dear Petra,
I can barely write your letter. So much went unsaid and yet I find myself trying to tell you in just a few words. You were a strong woman who somehow put up with all of our nonsense. And plus you were the best cook I've ever met. You were not only a good comrade, but an excellent friend and companion. I will miss you dearly. Seeing the fear in your eyes as you died nearly made me want to drop dead right beside you all. I couldn't because of that promise I made. You were there, remember? That time you'd tried to save a comrade and I swore to keep going for his sake... I still wonder if he heard me. You were the kindest person I've ever had the joy of knowing and I just wish I could have saved you. I hope you didn't go through too much pain. Please forgive me for not trying to assist you in battle. You fought your hardest and put all your trust in me, and I am forever grateful for that. I wish I could have you in my arms right now. Please don't forget me, Petra. Thank you for all you've done.

Captain Levi

Dear Farlan,
I will never stop missing you. I still can't believe you're gone. You helped me realize that the world isn't all bad, and you were my brother, my best and closest friend. Take good care of Isabel. Oh, I'm Captain of the Survey Corps now and I bailed on killing Erwin. I have absolutely no idea or plan for what I'm doing anymore. I bet you're shaking your head saying, 'Levi, I TOLD you, you HAVE to be careful and not cause trouble'. Yes sir. I'll try to figure things out from here. I wish I could still ask you for advice. I just lost my squad and it's my fault. What do I do? I guess I got too close to them, and now I can barely stand the pain of losing them... Please come back, Farlan...

Your little brother,

Dear Isabel,
I miss you more than I can write. Your bright red hair, green eyes, general innocence and happiness... I swear, you made me so happy. I was your big brother, and big brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters... I'm sorry I couldn't. I'm so so sorry. Please, please forgive me. One day, if I ever see you again, I'll make sure to make up for it somehow. I'll do whatever I can to make you happy. I miss you. I wish I could hold you and show you everything good in the world. I wish you were here. I still don't understand why the good people have to die so quickly. All I know is that I miss you. Please stay out of trouble, Izzy.

Your big bro,

Dear Mike,
I can't believe I'm writing to you... Then again, your ghost is probably just gonna come and sniff the letter. You always made me wonder if you did crack. Sorry for being so rude all the time, especially towards you. You were a strong soldier and a good friend and I took that for granted. I miss you. I know we didn't talk that much and didn't really get to know each other as much as others, but I still miss you. Thank you for helping me get into the Survey Corps (I'm still upset about the sewer water though).


Dear Captain Levi,
We couldn't have asked for a better leader. No matter what you think, you did amazing. You taught us to fight, you taught us trust, and you taught us loyalty and that makes you the best soldier to walk the earth. Thank you for letting us serve under you, Captain. We all love and miss you a lot. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and try to be easy on Eren.

The Special Ops Squad

Eld Shin, Gunther Schultz, Auruo Bozado, and Petra Ral

Dear Levi,
You're right. I'm shaking my head. But that's only because you forget that none of it was your fault. You turned out to be a powerful leader and a great friend to everyone. Your squad's nice and pretty hilarious, by the way. I miss you loads, short stack. Be careful out there. We're still with you and cheering you on. See you soon, lil guy.


Dear big bro,
YOU'RE KINDA DUMB FOR ASKIN' ME TO FORGIVE YA! I had to write that kinda loud so you know that there ain't nothing to apologize for. I had to have Farlan help me write this because I can't spell or do math (which you already know) so it looks like his handwriting but I promise it's from me. I love you big bro, and I'll see you! Stay strong!


PS: When you get here can you bring me a cookie please?

Dear Levi,
Yeah, I kinda regret not getting to know you. Your letter smells like bleach by the way. No, I don't do drugs of any kind. Hopefully we can get to know each other a bit better someday. Sorry for the water.

Mike Zacharias

Dear everyone,
Tch. You guys will never change. Keep the place clean before I get there, or else. I love you guys. See you someday.

Your brother, friend, Captain, and comrade,

Levi Ackerman

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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