1: Meet

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most beautiful in the world~

Hailee Myers was an odd case; Born in York but not really British herself. She'd tell people her parents were adventurous. Hailee's accent as potent as that lie. It wasn't true... They've only moved there for work. Hailee was just a roadblock along the way. She lived in the UK 14 and a half years before she came to the U.S.

"Wait, we're moving to New York?!" Hailee shouted excitedly.

"Yes dear, I have a new job there." Hailee's mom, Anne, responded plainly.

She couldn't have been more excited. Hailee hoped it was like the movies, so bright and colorful and soooooo romantic.

-Friday, 1:00 PM

The plastic sound of a ruler hitting Hailee's desk wakes her up from the flashback. The sudden breeze of cold air makes her shiver.


"Wake up snob!" It was Peter, one of her class "mates".

"Shouldn't the jet lag be caught up by now?" Another guy laughed obnoxiously loudly. More kids join in and poke fun at her.

The teacher does nothing but stare at her phone.

"I haven't even been here a day!" The kids continue to annoy her until...

A slightly tall girl walks through the door, almost late. Her brown hair blowing in the wind. The group of teens stop to look at her.

"It's the witch- run!"

"Hi! I'm Ella nice to mee-"

"Freak!" A short boy interrupts, sticking his tongue out.

"As I was saying, I'm Elle, nice to meet you." Elle pulls out a chair from the desk next to Hailee and sits next to her.

Elle, Ella? Which one is it?!

"Nice to meet you too!" Hailee says while admiring her beauty and the black ghost necklace lingering 'round her neck.

"Do you wanna be friends?" Elle says, dragging her right foot back and forth. She ignored the idiots surrounding her, like Hailee was all that mattered.

"Yes but.."

Elle gave a confused expression.

"Why'd the big bloke call you a witch?" Hailee looked down at her hands, frowning.

Elle laughed, "Because I'm gay!" Elle smiles nervously; Her teeth shone white.

Hailee felt her heart skip a beat.

"Me too!"

Elle took a step closer.

"Do you have a name?"

"Of course I do!" Hailee laughs.


"I'll show you my friends later okay? So you can get to know them." Elle tucks her hair behind her ear and smiles.

"Oh my- thank you, thank you so much I-."

The bell rings and Hailee begins class with a smile.


At the end of the school day, Elle introduces her. She's now one of them. The group a mix of gays and straights. Way more gays than straights now that Hailee makes the number now 5 instead of 4.

"Welcome to the club. You are now a loser." Simon Perez, one of Ella's friends, laughed. "Oh shut up." The brunette laughed. "What's so funny?" He asked, fixing his glasses off his nose.

"I-" Elle intervened. "Don't worry about him Hay he's- not a humor person y'know?"

yeah. Like she needed another plonker in her life. She was too focused on the nickname to acknowledge the others around her.

"Yeah, I totally get it!" She slightly frowned. Hailee looked over at Joey Carlisle, again one of Elle's friends and she supposes, now her own. He scratches the back of his head and begins to speak. "Okay well since you're a part of the group now," the others sighed, "oh no..." Joey laughed and pleaded to his best friend Tracy Green.

"Come on Trace! She's a new member after all." His puppy eyes made her blush.

"O-okay but only if she agrees..." Hailee was just nonchalant about this whole thing.

"Am I the only one who doesn't know what the fuck is going on?" Hailee joked with a serious tone. The others looked at her laughing.

"You don't know do you?" Simon joked which was a surprise. "Oh this is going to be a lotttttt of fun." Allen Redmond, yes again one of Elle's friends, giggled.

The group of 6 grabbed their bikes and took off.

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