2. From the beginning

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I always asked myself what it would have been if I lived in my ancestor Jawad Hachem's world. If I lived in his peaceful world; full of love, joy, laughs, emotions, passions, dreams, freedom, and open-minds... When natural beauty was admired by all, and when scientists could not change our DNA yet. I wonder what I would have looked like in a natural way, with golden hair, and natural ocean eyes. Not excentric features like I have right now!

In Massihia, where I live, love and happiness do not exist. My people have lost their humanity forever. All they think about is self-protection, pride, and war. They are ready to kill innocent children to preserve their dignity. For all of them, the most important element to maintain is our country's borders. They only care about their principles, instead of giving love and values to their descendants! No one in this damned world deserves a such horrible life.

This morning, I was finishing my classes, so I thanked my virtual robot-teacher, Adonis f-13. Thereafter, I disconnected my touch screen and made myself a little appetizer. My parents were not at home. I guess they were working, as always. Father once told me about my ancestor's education. He said my praised ancestor received his education in a strange narrow place, which they called school, back in the days. Father told me that in this establishment, many young students went to learn together, and found friends there. Father told me that people used to have many real-human friends. In our era, real friends don't exist. We only chat with robots and a few people when they are online.

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