pouring out over me

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Wonpil could hear the rain outside, even inside the classroom. He had had a feeling that it was going to rain today, but it hadn't been dark outside when he went in. It was most likely a classic summer shower, where the sun was still shining as the rain came down before it turned into a thunderstorm. It was Wonpil's favorite type of rain.

Beside him, Dowoon leaned into his side, "Hyungie, it's raining," he whispered.

Wonpil grinned and bumped Dowoon's shoulder, "I know. We're almost done here, maybe like five more minutes."

Dowoon smiled at him and rested his head on Wonpil's shoulder. Wonpil smiled. Dowoon wasn't normally this cuddly, especially in public. But when he got especially happy, he tended to lose all inhibitions. It was one of the things that made Dowoon even more endearing to Wonpil. The professor was turned around, writing on the chalkboard, so Wonpil leaned down to kiss the top of Dowoon's head, who sighed at his touch.

Wonpil looked up at the clock and smiled, just one more minute, and they would be ready to go, "Almost time, baby," he murmured into Dowoon's hair.

Dowoon grinned and sat up, Wonpil just barely avoiding getting knocked in the chin. As quietly as he could, Dowoon began to pack his bag. Wonpil followed his example, and packed the last of his things into his backpack. By the time he had zipped up his bag, their professor had turned around and dismissed them. Dowoon grabbed Wonpil's hand and yanked him from their table, pulling him from the room. He stumbled a little as they started, but soon they were out of the building and he was running in stride with Dowoon.

They dodged around their classmates and other students, crossing through the grass as a shortcut to make it to their shuttle before the rain came down and ruined their backpacks. Dowoon squeezed his hand even tighter as they made it under the awning of the library where they could wait for their shuttle. There were a couple of other students waiting there, some leaned against pillars, and others sat on the stone steps. Dowoon pulled Wonpil by the hand and sat down on the steps. Wonpil sat behind him, letting him lean up against him between his legs. Dowoon reached back so he was holding Wonpil's hands in his own. Wonpil smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of Dowoon's head, who sighed and snuggled even closer.

"Don't get too comfortable," Wonpil said, "the shuttle should be here soon."

No sooner than he had said it, a shuttle was coming up the road towards them. Wonpil leaned slightly forward to check the number, and nodded to himself when he determined that it was their shuttle.

"Get up baby," Wonpil said.

Dowoon grumbled about having to get up so soon after getting comfortable, but he got up anyways, clinging to Wonpil's hand. The shuttle parked in front of them, and Wonpil and Dowoon were the first on the bus. Usually they would sit in the raised area in the back of the shuttle, but today Wonpil pulled them into the first row of seating. The closer they were to the front, the faster they would be able to get out of the shuttle.

The drive was short and fast, not hindered at all by the rain. There was one stop before them, and they watched as a girl with bright green hair nodded at their shuttle driver and hopped out of the bus. And then, only five minutes later, the shuttle pulled to a halt at their stop. They got out of the bus quickly, the only ones to exit at their stop, and stowed their bags safely under the awning of their building. Once the bus was gone and their items were secured, Dowoon pulled Wonpil out into the rain.

The rain was warm on his skin as he was pulled into the courtyard, shoes splashing haphazardly in wet grass. He would have to set them out to dry later, but for now he didn't care. Dowoon let go of his hand and ran from him, so Wonpil laughed and chased after him. His boyfriend was giggling and dodging out of reach of his arms, but Wonpil knew that he would catch him soon enough.

Dowoon made to cut away from him again, but his shoes slipped in the wet grass, and Wonpil caught him around the waist. He dragged him back close to him and kissed him, allowing the rain to plaster their hair to their forehead, their lips extra slippery against the other's. He laughed as they pulled apart, and then kissed him again, even though he was still breathless from the last.

A boom of thunder pulled them apart, "Time's up," Wonpil muttered.

Dowoon pouted but followed Wonpil back to where their bags were waiting for them. He waited for Wonpil to fumble in his bag and pull out the keychain that would buzz them into their building. They didn't bother to put their backpacks on, instead holding them by the straps so they wouldn't get them wetter than the walk to the shuttle had already made them.

They could see lightning outside as they waited for their shuttle, and Dowoon thanked their good luck on the even small amount of time they had gotten to play in the rain safely. Their was noone in the elevator when it arrived, so Dowoon counted it as a win, not wanting to have to either endure strange looks, or admit to other people that he and his boyfriend quite enjoyed playing in the rain.

The elevator ride was short and soon enough they were back in their shared apartment, only just barely getting into their designated bedroom before peeling wet and sticking clothes off of themselves. Wonpil squeaked and shut the door behind Dowoon. Their would be no accidental free shows for their roommates. Not this time at least.

Dowoon collected their wet clothes and shoes and piled them into the tub, where they could dry a little before they could be safely put in the hamper with the rest of their clothes. When he got back, Wonpil had already set out a pair of warm pajamas for him, and was holding a towel in his hands. Dowoon pouted when he saw that Wonpil was already dressed.

Wonpil laughed, "Pervert! Come here and let me dry your hair, you'll catch a cold if you don't."

Dowoon giggled back and let Wonpil manhandle him, drying off his body with the towel before making him get dressed. Dowoon sat on the bed and Wonpil kneeled behind him so he could start to dry his hair. Wonpil's hands were gentle yet meticulous as he dried his hair, hands moving in soothing circles. Dowoon let his head tip back, hoping to get his scalp closer to the lovely sensation, his eyes slipping shut as he did so.

Wonpil sighed, leaning down and kissing Dowoon's forehead, "I love you baby."

Dowoon's body entire body melted back into Wonpil's hold, "I love you too hyung."

Once he was completely dried off, Wonpil maneuvered him into bed and he fell asleep to the lulling of the raging thunderstorm outside.

pouring out over me | Day6 | DoPil | Wonpil x DowoonWhere stories live. Discover now