Sometimes in our lives, we make mistakes that we regret in the end. Like having an unprotected sex --with a person we barely knew, or trust. Days after the encounter, we are anxious, worried and afraid. We may even be searching for symptoms on Google. Well, you're not alone. And I'm here to present to you why you should get tested.
According to CDC, only less than 40% people in the U.S have ever been tested for HIV. And why should you get tested for it? By knowing your HIV status, you can put your mind at ease, you may even reduce the anxiety you are feeling. If you ever test positive, don't ever lose hope. HIV has a treatment - the so-called ART or Anti-Retroviral Therapy, a medication that suppresses the replication of the virus inside the body. Also you will have guidance and counsel right after testing- on what to do to be healthy, what methods you should do to avoid transmitting it to others, especially to your loved one. You will also be taking the medications early, meaning the risk of it progressing to AIDS (the late stage of HIV infection wherein the immune system is badly damaged because of the virus) will be prevented. I also assure you that healthworkers exercise confidentiality and won't mind whatever your results will be.
Did you know that HIV has a latency period? Yes, you read that right. You might be having it right now but you're not presenting any signs or symptoms. During this stage, there is a very slow reduction in the infected cells and gradual increase of viral particles in the body. Bad news is, the latency period can last up to 10 or 15 years, according to So why wait for symptoms to manifest before you go to the hygiene clinic? Time is the greatest enemy in combatting a disease. Early detection, means early treatment, and early treatment will result in preventing AIDS and AIDS-related diseases. Remember that you can still live a normal life after being positive to HIV, so long as you take the proper medications.
It's okay if you're afraid, as long as you do your part. Getting tested is a form of self-love. Love for your own body and your own mind. So if you're gonna ask me when is the right time to get tested for HIV, you already know the answer. The answer is-NOW.
HIV - When Is the Right Time to Get Tested?
Non-FictionMaybe you have doubts and fears. I hope this article eases your mind