Chapter 1

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"There sure is a lotta blood in people."

One man raised his head, away from the body at his feet. "Yeah. How'dya' think they bleed?"

It was a late night in July, the wind was strong, providing the air with a distinct coldness. The first man was bundled in his yellow sweater, while the second was in a simple black leather jacket, but the cold didn't seem to be affecting him.

"How long do we have t' be out here for, Dan? It's cold and I don't wanna do this anymore," the first one whined.

Dan rolled his eyes, before they settled back on the body below. His blues glowed in the dark of the night, despite the lack of any other lights in the immediate area. "Well, I told you I didn't need any help. But you didn't wanna listen. I can handle this on my own."

"Yeah, well, I wanted t' know what you got up to all night. I didn't wanna get wrapped up in a murder case. Especially so late."

"Well, that's what you get for snoopin' around. Don't snoop if you don't wanna get caught up in shit bigger n' yerself, Oscar."

"How much bigger?"

Dan looked Oscar in the eyes, before lowering himself down to the body and sinking his teeth into the deceased's neck. His friend watched on with wide eyes, watching the way blood poured from the man's neck, onto the concrete of the empty parking lot, forming the biggest puddle Oscar had seen outside of a rainstorm.

The sight of the gruesomeness was a bit too much for Oscar to handle, so he decided to pry his eyes away from his friend and examine elsewhere. The sign of the movie theater was almost blindingly red, but the AMC was illuminating enough light on the parking lot, and the two men in it. The listing sign was also lit white, though less blinding than the initial light. The movies of the year were listed, and Oscar almost took interest.

"Hey, they're showin' Romeo and Juliet. You gonna go see that?" He turned back to his friend, who pulled away from his meal to stare at him, brows furrowed.

"Why do that when I can just read the book."

"'Cause. 'S fun. C'mon, man, do you always hafta' be such a wet blanket?"

Dan wiped the blood from his mouth, and it was now that Oscar could really see the fangs protruding from his top row of teeth.

"Why would I wanna watch a movie of two teenagers snoggin'? If I wanted that, I'd go hang out with those kids down on South Tux. But I don't."

"Those kids sure do seem t' like you an awful lot."

"They ain't got good folks."

"You do like to take on bein' everyone's older brother." Oscar watched his buddy stand up and wipe his face down. "Though, how'dya think they'd react seein' you like this?"

"Knowin' those ankle biters?" The bloodied up man grinned, flashing his fangs once again. "They'd prolly think I was tuff."

"Tuffer n' they already do?"

"Probably." He stood, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

Oscar watched for a second. "That why you always wear black? Hides the blood better?"

Dan shruggled. "That and it looks cool. Least I ain't wearin' yellow in the middle a' the night." He jabbed a finger at the taller man's ribcage, earning a squeal.

"HEY! C'mon, man!"

"Stop bein' such a panty waist. C'mon, help me get rid a' this." He grabbed the body by the arms, and Oscar scoffed, before making his way over and grabbed the body by the ankles.

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