chapter twenty three

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jeonghan's pov

after the incident that happened on my anniversary date with aeri, i can't focus on doing anything.

whatever i do, aeri came into my mind. but, i'm too busy to even go and meet her so i decided to wait till i've got a free time only then i'll go and talk to her.

suddenly, my bestfriend, minghao came and disturbed my thought.

"yah, dr.yoon. you seemed so anxious. anything happened?" he asked.

"nothing." i replied.

"eyy, don't lie. i've known you for so long, i know something has happened." he added.


"you guys fought, right?"

"how'd you know?"

"i don't. i was just guessing. no offense, but, if i were aeri, i will go and find another guy a long time ago." he replied.

i glared at him. "talking to you doesn't help me with anything. you're just annoying me."

"no, cause, i know that you're working this hard so that when you got married with aeri later, you guys will live happily without any financial problems, right? but jeonghan, being this busy will affect your relationship too." he said, patting my shoulder before he walked out.

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