Not that bad

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          Hikaru flinched from the glass shattering after colliding with the wall. Their once clean floors were now covered in pieces of broken glass. Hikaru stood in the centre of the room staring at the floor while her girlfriend screamed and continued to throw things across the room. Hikaru occasionally flinch at the loud shatters but remained still. Those glass vases were only bought to be thrown. What's the point of having them when after breaking them, again, her girlfriend would go out and buy new ones. 'The glass vases suit our house well' she says.

            "Let's break up, dayeon." The cause of it all. Those words left her mouth a few moments ago. I shouldn't have said that. Hikaru thought.

         Hikaru could hear footsteps slowly getting closer to her. Too close to her liking. Hikaru felt her body being pushed towards the nearest wall. She winces at the impact, her wrists pinned beside her head.

          "You're joking right?" Hikaru tries to wiggle her way out-resulting in Dayeon pressing her harder against the wall.

       "I'm not Dayeon, let's end this," Hikaru said staring straight into Dayeon's eyes. Dayeon's eyes flickered with sadness. Seizing the opportunity, Hikaru pushed Dayeon to the floor- causing her to stumble back and fall. Stepping on some glass pieces in the process. Hikaru ran towards the room while Dayeon hisses in pain. As quietly as she could, Hikaru headed to the closet. Locking the door after stepping in. She pushed through her padded jackets and sat comfortably behind them, hugging her knees. She was well hidden behind her hanging clothes. She could hear footsteps echoing through the halls. She hugged her knees tighter, shaking with fear. Hikaru wonders, where did it all go wrong.




     "The moon is pretty tonight," Dayeon said. Hikaru hummed in response. They were on the roof of their apartment building. Dayeon was Hikaru senior who toured her around when the younger first enrolled in their school. Dayeon being the dayeon she was, helped Hikaru out with her homework and improve her korean. In return, Hikaru would help Dayeon with the choreo for the dance club. Dayeon would hang out at Hikaru's house every day after school. They were inseparable. As their friendship grew, their feelings did too. Hikaru noticed how she would stare at the blonde more often than before, how she would think about the older when she did not need to. Hikaru also noticed the fluttery feelings she would get when she was around Dayeon. Hikaru assumed she was getting butterflies. In reality, it was a warning sign. Everyone at their school knows that Dayeon is a walking red flag. Dayeon was bossy and mysterious. No one knows if she was smiling or planning a murder in her head. Her exes shared how Dayeon had mood swings, was manipulative and overall fearful. Hikaru was aware of that but she brushed them off as silly rumours.

     "Will you be my girlfriend Ezaki Hikaru?"
         Hikaru should have said no.


      Hikaru vividly remembered when she saw Dayeon's true colours. It was a year after she moved in with Dayeon. Two years since their relationship started. Hikaru had left the house to see a friend without telling her. When she got home that night, Dayeon was furious. Hikaru recalls how she was trembling and the furniture being thrown around. How she whimpered under Dayeon's iron grip on her wrist. Hikaru would have left if it weren't for those feelings. Those damn feelings for Dayeon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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