The meet.

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Moon was pondering in the air, held onto by a wire that was hooked around his hook on his back as Sun cleant everything up. Monty then barged in through the large doors before slamming them, confusing Sun and alarming Moon. Moon swang down from the wire before gripping Monty's arms and lifting him off of the ground.

"WOAH!! WHAT THE SHIT" The gator shouted, surprised by the sudden grab.

"Language." Moon says in his raspy low voice, shocking Monty.

"Now ya put me down ya blue lanky weirdo!" Monty shouted, moving around, making it hard for Moon to hold onto properly.

"Hm. Sure, why not." Moon released Monty in the air in amusement before Sun shouted

"NO MOON! HE'S PART OF THE BAND!!" Sun shouted, anxiously and as loud as possible.

Moon groaned before diving down and catching Monty before he hit the ground. Moon rolled his eyes and pulled Monty up properly, moving Monty's arms around his waist.

"Hold on tight, I'm going to lower down." Moon bluntly says, unamused.

Monty held Moon tightly, as Moon held Monty up with his arms around his shoulders and his legs around Monty's waist to carry him down safely.

Monty stared at Moon, adoring his features but also feeling the urge to attack Moon for suddenly grabbing him and almost destroying him. As they drew close to the ground Moon let Monty go, dropping Monty to the ground, luckily he was safe and the floor was made of safety pads.

"Moony!" Sun helped Monty up, frowning at Moon" You're lucky the ground is made of safety pads and he is okay!" Sun finished.

"Oh please Sun, either way he's fine, even if I knew it wasn't made of safety pads, I would've dropped him." Moon shrugged before folding his arms and just staring Monty down.

"What, ya think yer some sorta big shot, huh? Come 'ere! I'll cook yer shit!!" Monty says, glaring at Moon and pulling Moon down from his ankle.

"Let me go." Moon says, shaking his leg to hopefully be released.

"Not so tough now, ain't ya!?" Monty grabbed Moon's wrist, putting one hand back and shaped his hand like a ball to punch Moon before getting kicked in the face by Moon who was suddenly menacingly upside down with a creepy look on his face.

Monty grunted before going back and pulling Moon closer once again to punch him before being pushed back from Sun.

"STOP FIGHTING!" He shoved them both back but then they went silent as they heard a click.

"Sun." Moon says.

"Moon.. I'm sorry....." Sun apologized as Moon flew back to the ceiling, being pulled by the wire.

Monty burst out in laughter as Moon hit the ceiling and bounced from the hit.

"SUN, I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL!" Moon said, taking a bell off from his wrist and throwing it at Sun.

"I FORGOT! Also you need these on your wrist just in case we have blind kids around" Sun says, picking the bell up from the floor.

Sun turned to Monty and looked him up and down, a bit confused as to why the gator was here and why now?

"Why are you here Monty?" Sun asked, only getting a shrug.

"How do you not know the reason as to why you're here?" Moon stays, lowering to the ground and taking the wire off, pulling it down till they hear a click and it zooms up to the ceiling.

"Ion know, Freddy wanted me to come 'ere for some reason."

"Ahh.. right, Gregory." Moon says, hinting for Sun to get him.

"Oh, I forgot he was here" Sun says, running to find Gregory.

"Oh, yeah I had to pick that darn cunt up." Monty says, unamused.

"Language." Moon folds his arms, looking Monty up and down with a judgemental look.

"What are ya lookin' at, huh!? Got a problem?" Monty says getting all close and personal with Moon.

"If you continue to get in my personal space, band member or not, I will shove your tail into your mouth" Moon threatened, backing up a bit.

"Whatever, how come I've never seen you two out before?" Monty asked as Moon sighed, he really didn't like communicating with the animatronics outside of the daycare, he thinks they talk too much and they're annoying, especially Freddy with all his "Don't do this" or "Gregory this, that" it was irritating.

"Because I have no reason to go out at the moment and Sun doesn't quite like leaving the Daycare, he gets worried." Moon replied, bluntly. Monty didn't like this guy one bit.

"Is that really the reason" Monty asked

"Oh, and if I got out Freddy will nag me about a lot of things, Roxanne would try to get me to compliment her because she just needs to be compliment from everyone even though she gets a ton from Sun, Chica grosses me out with garbage or food hanging from her beak and the bots irritate me. Long story short, you all annoy me" Moon explained.

"You haven't met me before, I'm sure you think I'm a great guy though, after all, I am" Monty smirked, flexing his muscles and posing.

Moon cringed at the strange poses and looked away to save his eyes from the strange gator and his flexing.

"Well, you're not that great either" Monty says, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Thank you, I try." Moon grinned.

"Tsk." Monty looked away "When is that yellow guy going to get that stupid infant here!?" Monty whined impatiently.

"His name is Sun, stupid gator." Moon says, walking to the light switch before turning it off and hearing screams in the distance.

Moon cleared his throat before using his wires to get on the playground things before speaking.

"Naughty boy... NAUGHTY BOY.. it's past your bedtime, bad children must be PUNISHED." Moon grinned, seeing Gregory run to the light switch and turn it on hurriedly.

"Sun, we found him!" Moon called out, climbing down and sitting on the desk as Gregory hid behind the desk.

"Kid I'm not going to harm you, this stupid gator just has to pick you up for your 'father'" Moon says, as Gregory sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god." Gregory stood up and looked at Moon and pointed behind Moon.

"What?" Moon says, turning to see Monty in front of him with one of the tolems Sun spent his time stacking.

"Stupid?" Monty says, holding the tolem up before having it snatches from his hand.

Moon smiled, amused as Monty turned to see an enraged Sun holding the tolem up.

Moon leant forward to Monty and smirked before whispering.


Monty ran out, grabbing Gregory and ran out of the daycare.

"MY STACK!" Sun says, cleaning it up properly and putting it together properly.

"Time out?" Moon asked, standing up and putting a hand on Sun's shoulder.

Sun nodded as Moon ran out of the daycare, following the way Monty ran as Sun evilly rubbed his hands together with a wicked smile.

"What should I do to torment him in time out? Play the Nyan cat over and over on the TV with a loud sound on repeat? Draw him a horrible picture? Oh ho ho! He'll regret ruining my stack." Sun says.

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